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Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:41 pm
by Kohadon
*sigh* Wish we had these on a sat. I'm at work most of the day on weekdays

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:54 pm
by Orplar
We still going to meet at the normal time tonight?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:59 pm
by Orplar
Anyone know what happened with these?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:03 pm
by Bhaal
Sorry that I didn't say something to you guys, but the roleplay assistant program has ended on schedule (it was never a permanent thing), Bhaal is no more for now. It was a lot of fun doing the Drow roleplays with you guys, and who knows what the future holds. Good luck and keep RPing!

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:52 am
by Kelemvor
If drow players wanted to continue to meet up at this time, or arrange other times to meet I'm sure they could do so without having someone along to hold their hands or think up plots for them... ;)

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:00 am
by Orplar
we are mid plot right now in the out-standing rp. And most stopped logging since nothing was said.

I will do my best to log Kyrllyn a few times a week, and friday nights, if any would like to meet up rp and swear fealty to the Spider Queen. :)

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:24 am
by Dalvyn
Orplar wrote:we are mid plot right now in the out-standing rp. And most stopped logging since nothing was said.
Just to set things straight ... most stopped logging even BEFORE anything was said.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 2:58 pm
by Duranamir
Is it ok to use this post to arrange other Drow based Rp's ? as currently there is no IC way of doing this there being no message posts/post office in Menzo to pass messages IC.


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:01 pm
by Dalvyn
It's certainly possible to use this forum to set up such events (might be better to make new threads though).

I still need to add a board to Menzo (that is, if we decide to keep those areas and drow at all), but since nobody every plays there except Duranamir, I'm not sure posting on such a board would be efficient anyway. So, the forum is definitely the way to go.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:20 am
by Triel
I know I haven't been around much on Triel in the past but here of late I have been trying to log her on more frequently. I know I keep bugging everything in sight when I am down there (sorry not on purpose let me assure you). So Danamir isn't the only person to log on down there. Granted we are rarely on at the same times but not for the lack of trying.

I know people are more likely to log on their characters when an imm is involved because they think they are going to be rewarded for being there. But that shouldn't be the only reason people log on their drows. I know I am very guilty of not being a very good rp of a drow but I am still learning. I think I had one evil character before this and rarely played her.

So don't wait for announced rp's to log onto your drow. They can be fun even without the benefit of the imm's.[/quote][/code]

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:22 pm
by Jzexleth
Yeah, I resent that as well. I put about a hundred hours on Jzexleth in the past month or two, always in the hope that some other drow will log. It gets awfully lonely down there.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:41 pm
by Orplar
I will be around this evening, about an our after the rp's used to start. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:35 pm
by Velius
I'll log Vasfryn on more often, the first week (And I think the only week I played 'em) I played the character I played him for 80+ hours (Yes, I know, its a tad bit long). I'd be more than willing to put stuff together, but I don't think I'd be in the position to do so... *hates being a kobold*.

The problem with the drow coming back is people only play their drow when there is an event taking place, why even make a drow in the first place if you won't play 'em. The first week the events took place we had about 5 people around all the time (Thanks for being on so often Duranamir, Kyrrlyn [if thats how its spelled :) ] , Dranso, and Krendorl.) And now I only see Triel, Kyrrlyn, and Duranamir around. I'll try to add myself back to the "drow regular's list", and I hope in time the Underdark would be more active.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:54 pm
by Orplar
Jzexleth was around quite often too. Just thought he should be thanked, and I hope to see everyone log a couple times a week at least.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:12 am
by Velius
Orplar wrote:Jzexleth was around quite often too. Just thought he should be thanked, and I hope to see everyone log a couple times a week at least.

In a week or two (if I get the motivation) I can start pulling a few of the people known to play their drow together, and start talking about what sort of events we can host. I haven't participated in any of the drow RPs ever since the first one, so if we do continue with this one I'd need some details as to what is going on.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:04 am
by Kohadon
I, myself, have neglected my drow since I made him. 1, because I'm at work a good bit of the time. And 2, because the time i do log I spend trying to build up a couple other noobs I've created. I will try to log him on a bit more often though. Maybe pace his progress along with another fighter of mine :)

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:26 am
by Dalvyn
I cited Duranamir above because, in the previous months (not only since we started the drow rp experience), he has been one of the very drow to log in regularly. I know that others have logged in from time to time (or have returned recently), and my goal was not to say that Duranamir was the only drow who was played. Apologies to those who thought that part was against them.

But even if we have 3, or maybe 4 or 5 regularly played drow, we can raise the following questions:

(a) Is it worth spending any more time on drow-related areas when they are only going to benefit so few players (as opposed to surface areas who benefit many more players)?

(b) Is it worth spending any more time trying to spur drow roleplay when the _really good_ quests thought up by Bane did not manage to do it?

As a side note, by "_really good_", I mean that those quests were not only happening at set times but were giving all drow opportunities to roleplay mischevious, backstabbing, manipulating characters even during the down times. Yet, for all the design work that went into preparing those quests, we saw few drow logging in in-between the weekly sessions, and thus the roleplay stalled.

(c) Can we realistically keep the "drow" race option open at character creation, when there are so few players to be met over there?

And the usual reminder/side note. I don't want to open a permanent way to the surface, because we would just end up with drow being played as humans with special powers, black skin, pointed ears, and a symbol of Lolth, and in no way distinguishable from surface characters. Drow are supposed to be manipulative, scheming, backstabbing plotters who make and unmake alliances to better serve themselves and their families, not really regular adventurers who go on gathering loot from various quests on the surface. So, if the only way to "save" the drow is by denaturing them into such things, perhaps it's better to just drop them?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:03 pm
by Velius
Dalvyn, about drow going to the surface, few drow are RPed correctly as is (Kudos to Duranamir for the good RP, the RPs I've had with you were [and still are :wink: ] by far the best) and it'd be a GIGANTIC step to even think of allowing us to the surface (Unless, ofcourse, we are raiding something, but even then I doubt people know how to RP a surface raid, and a raid'd have to be watched closely by the Imms if player-run)

The main thing I liked about the awesome quests Bhaal/Bane put together, is the fact that it allowed drow to be themselves (I liked the "make sure there are no witnesses" part, and how we had to smote the battles out) and the newer level 1 drow were also able to take part through alliances/deceptions and many other *things* (lost his string of thought :wink: )

Now then, about your questions Dalvyn:

A) I really don't know, but IMO, no.

B) If the awesome RPs made up by Bane didn't work out, I don't know what will. The majority of the people only showed up for the events and nothing else (Except for Dranso, Duranamir, Jzexleth, Krendorl, and an army of priestesses wearing 'anti-vasfryn' t-shirts *is scared of going back to Menzo with Vasfryn*)

C) Keep 'em. I can't really explain why you should other than letting you of selfish 'i love the drow' reasons, but it'd be a mistake if you removed 'em.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:54 pm
by Oghma
I would be for closing off the drow option at the creation menu for a few months to allow the current players of drow the time to create new rps and prove that there is a sustainable future for the race option. In the last four years I've noticed that many players are going for the half drow option over the traditional drow option, because it means more surface roleplay and therefore more character interaction. This may eventually lead to the elimination of the drow and the limelight on the half drow.

Which could actually work as an ic end to the first race.

I'm of course, explaining the extremes.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:45 pm
by Selveem
I don't think this really should be in the Events section of the forum to discuss, but since it has been posted here, I will give my unsolicited thoughts on the matter:

The Drow are a nice race. They're full of very interesting RPs and very different characteristics. This, of course, is true, but:

So are the Dwarves.

So are the Elves.

So are the Orcs.

So are the Goblins.

So are the Bugbears.

So are the Wemics.

So are the Centaurs.

There is plenty of diversity on FK. I think it's ridiculous to remove any races. Much less areas that have been spent so much dedicated time on. I don't agree with the 'hole the Drow up so they have special RP' and this is precisely the reason why.

Yeah, okay, so they are removed from the surface to 'keep that special RP.' They have a kismet requirement. They have very little access to nearly anything. They are often criticized as being a race of powerhungry (and thus easily exploitable within RP terms) creatures.

But... so are Orcs... Nearly any evil race is powerhungry. Any evil race is 'easily exploitable.' I think Underdark should be opened up. Both to the surface and from the surface down. And this is exactly the reason why. Rather than 'let them die out' because they've been made so difficult to commit to due to the lack of areas and player interaction, give them other things to do. More people to talk to and interact with.

By saying that opening UM up would just make the Drow "being played as humans with special powers, black skin, pointed ears, and a symbol of Lolth, and in no way distinguishable from surface characters" is stating that you've no trust in the playerbase to play their characters. You're saying that you don't approve of their RPs. If the Administration doesn't trust the playerbase (or, further, care that the playerbase is happy) I don't see any reason to keep any races other than human.

Really, I don't see any reason to keep the MUD open if the Administration trusts the player base so little.

What I'm trying to say, is, that the reason there's an influx of Half-Drow in favor to Drow is because they CAN RP with others. By what has been done on FK (in the past as well as in the present), the staff has failed to make the Drow a truly viable option. They're not one that players feel are rewarding enough because there are no other players, really, to involve themselves with. Can you blame them? Bashing mobs occasionally is fun and all, but you can't plot with mobs.