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Contests of Might II

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 9:20 am
by Skylar
Dame Skylar Tranyth will be hosting the second instance of what she has dubbed the Contests of Might. These will be a little competitive, but not overly so. The goal is a celebration of athleticism, physical aptitude, and individual skill, all in Lord Lathander's name. In short, this will be a casual setting where people may come to watch or participate in sparring matches. Anyone is welcome who is not an enemy of the Church of Lord Lathander- if you are not certain whether that includes you please reach out to Dame Skylar to tell you, or err on the side of caution.

Come one come all to the Fields of Justice for a bit of sport. Bring a host of different weapons that you favour, but expect some mundane weapons to be made available to pair opponents with like weapons of like quality. ... p1=80&ah=2

OOC: This will be a simple bit of people enjoying one another's company and playing at Fight Club. I'd like it to be a chance for new players to see and interact with how sparring is best done, and for veteran players to unwind a bit with a safe place to engage in a bit of friendly PVP. A healer or two would be appreciated!

Le Pas des Morts Justes

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:12 pm
by Elisabeth
By word of mouth, news spreads among the north's men-at-arms, from the humblest of esquires to the loftiest of knights, from the righteous paladin to the wicked blackguard...
Leading up to the day of the announced joust, upon the Blackford Road,
a day's ride east from the gates of the great City of Sails, a lone
knight is to be found. Tall ahorse and bearing lance and shield, a-
dorned in the heraldry of Justice, she is said to wait and watch over
the safe passage of merchant and wanderer alike. Yet to any who would
pass, upon noble steed and displaying the marks of station and skill
at arms, formal challenge is issued in the custom of the ancients, for
the joy and honor of combat, in the memory of the Just Fallen.

Come ye all who would celebrate, by test of arms, the sacrifices of our
mothers and fathers, and their mothers and fathers before them, given
in the cause of Justice. Come ye all who would think yourselves above
the might of our Just God. Come ye all, and know that ye come to break
lance for honor, or cast your spurs upon the earth for shame. Who ap-
proaches lacking the requisite tools of combat will be provided for,
and none, on this knight's word, will be taken for ransom or otherwise
offended for honorable battle lost or yielded. Choice of secondary
weaponry provided is to be left to each defendant.
OOC: A good old-fashioned pas d'armes, "passage of arms." Elisabeth will be there on and off from the afternoon until the beginning of the joust in the evening for anyone interested in this sort of roleplay.
Be advised that your PC need not be a knight or even a squire to participate, but be advised also that anyone passing and appearing skilled in battle during that time will more than likely be challenged. I tried to set this in a place as both accessible and out-of-the-way as possible so as not to be bully-ish while not forcing people to ride halfway across the world for a spar. If you're uncomfortable being challenged to fight, there ought to be plenty of ways to avoid the room she'll be in and still get to where you need to go. Even so, don't feel like you need to be super sneaky or rushy or anything; I'm more than happy to play blind for you guys.

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 5:46 am
by Althasizor
Althasizor wrote: Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:45 pm
GAMESGAMESGAMESGAMESGAMES wrote: Honestly, adventuring - as fun as it is - can be just so stressful!
How about getting together just to hang out and play some meaningless games? At the Dripping Dagger in Waterdeep, so it's convenient.
I don't mean the gambling kind, so the tightest of arses out there can rest easy and come on out anyway.

Seeya there! O̶r̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶.̶ ̶I̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶,̶ ̶i̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶c̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶i̶s̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶?̶
Super casual get-together type-a-doo: ... T17&p1=137
Sorry for the delay, playas! ... T17&p1=137

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 6:12 pm
by Skylar
An impromptu gathering of Lathanderites is in the Spires of the Morning. More Lathanderites are always welcome, as are those who are friends/allies/loved ones.

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:25 pm
by Althasizor
Rehearsal and Costume check! wrote: To any of the actors and actresses with a role in the upcoming play,
you're encouraged(Not required!) to come join us for rehearsal! This
will also be a good chance for us to work on your costumes! We'll
meet in the gardens off from the market square in Waterdeep, by
the pond. ... T17&p1=137

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:39 pm
by Althasizor
Althasizor wrote: Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:45 pm
GAMESGAMESGAMESGAMESGAMES wrote: Honestly, adventuring - as fun as it is - can be just so stressful!
How about getting together just to hang out and play some meaningless games? At the Dripping Dagger in Waterdeep, so it's convenient.
I don't mean the gambling kind, so the tightest of arses out there can rest easy and come on out anyway.

Seeya there! O̶r̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶.̶ ̶I̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶,̶ ̶i̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶c̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶i̶s̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶?̶
Super casual get-together type-a-doo: ... T17&p1=137
Let's try! ... T17&p1=137

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 3:10 pm
by Mikhail
Games, huh? Mik will try to make it.

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 12:53 am
by Althasizor
Great things are done when men and mountains meet... wrote: Now, Halaster hasn't always been known for his level-head. I think
that's fair to say, right? I mean even he'd probably agree with that.
Still, the only people who really get to say something like that are
the babies staying topside in their homes, with their incomes, and
lasting spiritual fulfillment. That's not what we're here for! We're here
for YOU!

The wanderlust-stricken adventurer! The insatiable treasure hunter!
The gruff, down-on-his-luck mercenary with a heart of gold and a
terrible secret! We're calling all of you death chasers to join us on
the date posted below to delve into the depths of madness and
darkness, to pillage the lost treasures of the Undermountain, to slay
mighty beasts and earn fantastical titles!

We'll be gathering in the market center of Waterdeep.
Are you hard enough?
Time: ... 1=137&ah=2

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:32 pm
by Stigr
As to not draw from the larger Mystran event toward the end of the month held by Acolyte Jarah.
In the spirit of pursuing mastery over the art and one's skills of war, Sir Stigr will be holding a smaller gathering to test the newest changes to the wizarding duels ruleset as well as normal dueling for those of all walks. Food and drink will be provided freely for all who even wish to just come talk magic and fighting.

The spot is the same as before, in the fields to the west of Berdusk ... 30&p1=3260

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 9:11 pm
by Elisabeth
The first Self-Improvement Showdown has come to an end, and much improvement has been enjoyed by many. Still, industry means not only striving to achieve perfection, but also striving to keep hold of it.
Dame Elisabeth Marshall invites any who fear not the law to join upon the Fields of Triumph in a night of open-form sparring, showing off newfound skills and well-earned weapons, and keeping sharp for battles to come.
OOC: Tomorrow, 3 July at 8pm east.

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 4:43 am
by Althasizor
The hell's a 'meta'? wrote: To quell my broken spirit over the recent troubles
an event had, we're bringing something back this
month in a brand new fashion! Drum roll, please.


Game Night at the Dripping Dagger! In the past,
our main game was Pirates and that was a lot of
fun - But with any luck this new game will be
even more so. What's our new game called?

Monsters & Madness

I won't be too explicit here about the rules, to
keep some of the mystery, but the main idea is
that you will take on the role of someone else,
who will(at least for this first time!) be provided
for you. Then you, and your companions will be
off on a made up adventure around the table. I'll
be running it of course, but mostly I'll just be
controlling the monsters and other people, how
the adventure itself goes is entirely up to all of
you what're playing.

Of course food and drinks will be provided.

Thanks a whole bunch, and hope to see you soon!
Location: Dripping Dagger in Waterdeep
Time: ... T12&p1=137

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 9:27 pm
by Althasizor
Althasizor wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2019 4:43 am
The hell's a 'meta'? wrote: To quell my broken spirit over the recent troubles
an event had, we're bringing something back this
month in a brand new fashion! Drum roll, please.


Game Night at the Dripping Dagger! In the past,
our main game was Pirates and that was a lot of
fun - But with any luck this new game will be
even more so. What's our new game called?

Monsters & Madness

I won't be too explicit here about the rules, to
keep some of the mystery, but the main idea is
that you will take on the role of someone else,
who will(at least for this first time!) be provided
for you. Then you, and your companions will be
off on a made up adventure around the table. I'll
be running it of course, but mostly I'll just be
controlling the monsters and other people, how
the adventure itself goes is entirely up to all of
you what're playing.

Of course food and drinks will be provided.

Thanks a whole bunch, and hope to see you soon!
Location: Dripping Dagger in Waterdeep
Time: ... T14&p1=137
Forgiveness if you came for this; Something came up on my end, and it was miserable to have to miss this. We'll try again next week at ths time: ... T14&p1=137 but for real this time

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:56 pm
by Althasizor
The hell's a 'meta'? wrote: The Saga continues! Join us at the time below
for more...

Monsters & Madness

Like I said before, the rules are a bit complex
but I'll explain everything you need to know at
the time. It's pretty simplistic on your end so
far, you only need to pick a character from the
box. Then you and your companions are off on
the adventure! There will be a recap of the
events so far beforehand, so don't worry about
getting lost.

Food and drink's on us.

Thanks a whole bunch, and hope to see you soon!
The campaign continues where we left off! Please let me know if the time below is not good for you, and I'll try to adjust it.
Location: Dripping Dagger in Waterdeep
Time: ... T14&p1=137

Drink at the Purple Haze in Westgate!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 1:20 am
by Amira
Listen and then get your behind to Westgate!
The Purple Haze there likes to remind people of all ages, races and and mental states that it exists!
Come all and bring your coin! Drink and be merry!

But let it be known that the Haze is an aggression free zone. Solve your differences elsewhere. People who violate this rule will be dealt with.
The world map is big these days and I feel we needed another meeting point outside of Waterdeep.
I will try to have Amira at the Purple Haze in Westgate every evening, starting around 9pm (EST).
As we actually don't have an alcohol selling npc there, I will provide a box with some drinks and we all just pretend we order at the bar. Feel free to bring other, exotic drinks with you.
This is meant just as a casual meeting. and while there are no fights allowed, there can of course be some... tension between the guests there.

Re: Drink at the Purple Haze in Westgate!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 12:22 am
by Amira
Amira wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 1:20 am
Listen and then get your behind to Westgate!
The Purple Haze there likes to remind people of all ages, races and and mental states that it exists!
Come all and bring your coin! Drink and be merry!

But let it be known that the Haze is an aggression free zone. Solve your differences elsewhere. People who violate this rule will be dealt with.
The world map is big these days and I feel we needed another meeting point outside of Waterdeep.
I will try to have Amira at the Purple Haze in Westgate every evening, starting around 9pm (EST).
As we actually don't have an alcohol selling npc there, I will provide a box with some drinks and we all just pretend we order at the bar. Feel free to bring other, exotic drinks with you.
This is meant just as a casual meeting. and while there are no fights allowed, there can of course be some... tension between the guests there.
As there is another event going on today (see here ) there will be no meeting in the Purple Haze today. Go have fun in the garden!

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:24 am
by Rannas
Candy Raid wrote: Anyone who's hunting candy by now has probably noticed
that tougher monsters are able to build up larger hoards
of it. So it seems only logical that dragons, the kings and
queens of hoards, would have a pile of their own. I'm
organizing a short notice gathering for anyone else who
wants to hunt down a dragon for its candy with me. We'll
meet south of Waterdeep's gates tomorrow around the
time posted below. I have clerical abilities and I have
potions to provide people with as needed. Thank you very
much for reading.

- Rannas
Time: ... T12&p1=137

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 2:10 am
by Rannas
Candy Raid Pt. 2 wrote: I want to say that this went over very well, and I
thank everyone who came. But the hunt is still on,
and I know many of you are hungry for candy and
or rewards. Well, it makes sense that dragons
keep large hoards. And there's a lot of them out
there that we didn't fight yesterday. So I'm putting
out the notice for another hunt at the time posted
below. As mentioned, there are potions as we need
them so don't worry about feeling underprepared.
Thank you very much for reading.

- Rannas ... T12&p1=137

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 4:22 pm
by Enig
Didn't quite get enough candy to make the weapon or helmet of your dreams? Well, have no fears! The illustrious scion of the Appleblossom family will be holding a quiz show tonight in the brewing gardens of Waterdeep with candy corn* as the prize! There's over three hundred pieces of candy up for grabs, so be sure to come on down!

The question categories will include: Boring History, Famous Adventurers, Terrifying Monsters, Faiths, Food, and magic.

- Maribel Veronique Appleblossom III

* Candy corn should not be ingested by any non-illithids.
(OOC: Short notice, but the time is: ... 0201102T01)

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 2:07 am
by Skylar
A strange hunt tomorrow, a second attempt at something we failed in the Underdark during the Candy Corn hunt. Hopefully stars will come from it, and more importantly hopefully success will come. A small party is planned already but if you're interested in joining reach out to Syndos. A better explanation of plans is to come ICly. It probably won't be tremendously exciting. Wish us luck.

Re: Casual Events!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:18 pm
by Xaeril
Looking for a group to get together to do some adventuring training potentially in Holyhead or somewhere else challenging for a group for some. Meeting at the glade in Waterdeep next to the firepit in the next 30 or so minutes if folks are up for a bit of training and adventure together! Reach out to Xaeril if you're interested! Should the group be substantially large enough we can look for more challenging adventures!