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Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:02 am
by Harroghty
Or it will.

Merchants will actually appear with their stalls in the market square of Waterdeep soon (or whenever I get around to it). Help me to come up with some ideas for their wares. Their wares will include things that are plain sold like any other merchant in the game and items sold via a program that colorizes or personalizes them (e.g. Barritt at the Bridge of Fallen Men, the merchants at House Invincible, or the merchants at Waterdeep's concert hall). They will all be very mundane, fluff type things (clothing or mundane gear and equipment).

Some ideas that I have had so far scabbards and weapon loops (thanks Yvonne), cloaks and coats (items for the arms that match items for the body), shoes (boots, etc.), vegetables (because Mask insists that markets must have them), etc..

..what else?

Think about things that would be sold by day and those that might be sold by night! Be as detailed as you like. I do not promise that all ideas will be included, but the more the merrier. Please post your ideas here to this thread.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:55 am
by Gwain
Towels - worn on the head, worn on the legs and worn on the body
Edible containers made out of gourds
cloaks and jackets that can open or close
hoods and hooded cloaks
leg ornaments and arm ornaments of jewelry or metal work that can be worn on the over layer (couters and poleyns) bands of precious metal
reusable cups, utensils and plates
crude firearms and ammunition.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:58 am
by Selveem
Quick question: will this project also consolidate all the wandering merchants around WD?

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:36 am
by Isolrem
Would be nice not having to go all the way to Skullport to pick up new undergarments.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:17 am
by Lirith
I immediately thought of a lot of markets in this country, and was going to suggest this as a joke, then I realised it could actually work.

What about some sort of FK equivalent of knock-off goods? e.g. mundane clothing that looks a little like something you might buy in a fancier shop, but if inspected closely it's not quite right. Maybe the dye is the wrong shade or it's slightly misshapen.
I'll come up with a list and edit this later once I've actually woken up properly.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:28 am
by Khelebhzed
First thing would be greatcoats, robes, and cloaks with pockets, that can act as small containers. A compromise between packs and other outer dress.
If not that, then perhaps a wizard robe with pockets as a spell pouch?
A haberdashery for sure. There are many types of hats that it would be nice to see, like a tricorne, stetson, ushanka, pickelhaube, or conical sedge hat.
Certainly foreign merchants offering these diverse goods. Perhaps leather or fur lining from more diverse animals, corresponding to color choice. Like white is arctic fox and black is panther, green is snake skin, etc.
Alternative containers could include the secret pocket, the luggage case, carpet bag, stocking, body bag, a belt or harness with many loops, pockets, and hooks.
More games, perhaps a stones board, or a Talis deck. Dart board. Disposable archery targets? (1 or 2 hits, and gone.) Hungry, hungry, hippogriffs?
Maybe a wider variety of false facial hair. Everyone needs a fu man chu?
Functional multi-sheaths. Like a brace of knives you can draw from, or a cruciform back-scabbard for dual wielders.
Customized signet rings to some extent from an engraver, a combination of colors, animals, and objects like the performance hall, or maybe more like the handkerchiefs of the gilded lance. Ex: a ring embossed with a red hawk and dagger or a ring graven with 'X'? This could also extend to simple tabbards.
More elaborate jewelry like eyerbrow rings, labrets, or nose rings with ear chains. Finger talons.
Definitely some more festive masks, perhaps customizable with a list of animals and colors or decorations.
Certainly a variety of new tattoos.
I am sure Sunites and bards could enjoy more cosmetic props.
A straight razor and stropping leather. Scalpal and bone saw. Shackles, chains, dental pliers, wire stitching, forceps, scizzors, spectacles, nameable pet-rock, a how-to-guide of Phrenology.
More herbs and tea. We have so much alchohol, but not enough tea variety. Some mundane herbalism would be good too. And coffee, be it the Maztican dark roast or the Calimshite special blend.
A flower vendor, color customizing plays into the choices: orchids, carnations, azaleas, a lotus, and maybe just a cactus.
Diversity in quills and parchment, from vellum to rice paper to papyrus, to simple sheet music.
A glazier: Beakers, test tubes, vases, statues, a gargoyle.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:04 am
by Yvonne
Thanks for this :)

Following on from the parchment and quills idea above:

I have always wanted, on various characters, access to some sort of folder or portfolio for bits of parchment (or even a note book) so they're not all ICly getting screwed up under piles of food and spare armour or weapons in your backpack.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:02 am
by Harroghty
Selveem wrote:Quick question: will this project also consolidate all the wandering merchants around WD?
No, but it could improve their wares.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:20 am
by Selveem
Harroghty wrote:
Selveem wrote:Quick question: will this project also consolidate all the wandering merchants around WD?
No, but it could improve their wares.
Sorry, question intent ambiguous; I meant to ask "will this project consolidate all the wandering merchants into a much smaller area, so they aren't all wandering about the largest area in the game?" :D

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:48 pm
by Bellayana
What if around the market square, the outskirts of the area in the night hours various "shady" merchants appear to sell Cloaks and jackets that can open and close (Gwain you are awesome) and randomly generated bandannas for the face with emblems or disguise kits even. I would also like to take this time to suggest maybe some new poisons that could be added to weapons. Poisons that -1 to str, -1 to int or -1 to con. I mean it makes sense if you are going to attack a wizard (Lirith I really do love you.) you would use a toxin that attacks the neural system, a fighter his muscular or even just his whole body in general.

I think this would also set the ambiance for the marketsquare during the night hours to show that Waterdeep does infact have a seedy side.

Oh, And I second Khel's idea about the tattoo vendor. Everyone loves body art!

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:15 pm
by Brar
Sling Bullet pouches for all kind of location (back, belt, legs) and multiple layers for belt.
RP wise will be better than to put them in a quiver...

Money pouches and spellpouches for different belt layer to allow more customization.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:45 pm
by Harroghty
Selveem wrote:Sorry, question intent ambiguous; I meant to ask "will this project consolidate all the wandering merchants into a much smaller area, so they aren't all wandering about the largest area in the game?" :D
Again, no. This is a separate effort.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:50 pm
by Adabelle
Just today people were saying Waterdeep is never on the edge of fashion. You have to go to Westgate for a nice dress.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:38 am
by Kea
tools. silverware. handkerchiefs. small animals (birds, lizards, rabbits, chickens), perfumes, different kinds of fruits/vegetables/fish.

toy type stuff? little carvings of horses. kid bows. little wooden swords (thanks fable)

cheap, crappy "jewelry" that isn't made of metal (bead necklaces, daisies tied in a circle, twine bracelets, etc)

wooden faith-type charm jewelry would be a big seller. "a beaded necklace bearing a wooden open-handed gauntlet" type stuff.

It could even be taken into account that in a city full of crazy wizards and priests and stuff that people on outlying farms save their cows' manurez and take them to the waterdeep market to sell. This could be said for a number of small, easy-to-obtain-but-tedious-and-boring type components that people would rather just throw gold away on and get than hang out with abandoned horses or spamwalk mt waterdeep or run from town to town killing bandit clerics for. It's illogical that there wouldn't be some dude in waterdeep getting rich off of impatient wizards buying easily obtained (but not worth their precious time to obtain?) stuff. horse hairs, poody poo, "hide", piece of bark, (seriously, 1000 trees in arwood and no one's ripping the bark off) sticks, etc

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:04 am
by Raona
A honing stone that could be used to repair blades?

Potions with vendors that loudly over-hawk them, but that do something? (Think US late night TV infomercials in style...of course, you get a FREE bonus gift with your purchase!) A potion might be advertised to turn you into a hunk, make you more manly, more attractive to the ladies...but in practice it has a 20% chance of turning you into a male if you are female, a 10% chance of (temporarily) adding 1 to your CHA, a 10% chance of (temporarily) adding 1 your to LCK, a 10% chance of poisoning you, a 20% chance of making you sick, a 5% chance of cursing you, and most likely it will do nothing. Or something along those lines.

Something I've long been angling for: booby-trapped items that look awesome but that do bad things to you (blind you, curse you, take off an arm, that sort of thing), to put in your pack if a thief gets it and starts brazenly wearing everything in there. But in order to be useful, they would need to be randomized so they don't all look alike. This would be a tough one, though.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:32 pm
by Bellayana
Raona! I love that idea! Nothing would make me laugh more then stealing something and being like Nice! <wear> and booby trap! This would be great in other instances as well! I am in full support of "Trapped" Jewelry.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:15 am
by Isolrem
Raona wrote: Something I've long been angling for: booby-trapped items that look awesome but that do bad things to you (blind you, curse you, take off an arm, that sort of thing), to put in your pack if a thief gets it and starts brazenly wearing everything in there. But in order to be useful, they would need to be randomized so they don't all look alike. This would be a tough one, though.
Reminds me of a certain quest in Dragon Age where there were containers full of awesome looking stuff and when you grabbed them: instantly 3 serious injuries.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:38 am
by Selveem
These sort of traps do exist in D&D, for the record. I remember seeing them, I just don't remember where.

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:26 pm
by Isaldur
Exploding faulty magical items are probably better suited to a random loot table than a market vendor. A city like Waterdeep would not let someone sell necklaces that would blow heads off for very long after heads did start exploding.

Though we could incorporate a bloodsport system like the Running Man if the Lords decided on using them..

Re: Waterdeep has a real market

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:55 pm
by Gwain
Isaldur wrote:Though we could incorporate a bloodsport system like the Running Man if the Lords decided on using them..
Every day is Running Man for Gwain.

Bobble heads that bobble.
loin cloths

metal face masks that are jewelry material or light armour protection

lighter weight shovels

food that turns into other food, like an apple that turns into a half eaten apple, then a core

griffon saddles and misc

chewing tobacco that you can spit.