Code for open and close cloaks

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Code for open and close cloaks

Post by Gwain » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:46 pm

There are a few items in the game that can change into other items, I'd like to use this for cloaks, but I need the code to do so, So a cloak that you can wear with a transparent flag then with the typing of a command becomes a cloak without that flag, what would the fully coded item look like? Thank you.
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Re: Code for open and close cloaks

Post by Harroghty » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:42 am

If you want the cloak to change it while it is worn then you would do this:

Code: Select all

>intercept_prog opencloak~
if actorhasobjnum(OBJVNUMHERE)
  if wear_loc($o) != -1
    mpechoat $n {80}You open your cloak.
    mpechoaround $n {80}@N opens $s cloak.
    mposet $o flags transparent 
The same command (mposet $o flags transparent) should remove the flag from the item.
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Re: Code for open and close cloaks

Post by Gwain » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:43 am

Excellent, thank you *fans cloak*
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