Polymorph Adjective Changes

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Sword Bumbler
Sword Bumbler
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Polymorph Adjective Changes

Post by Emeric » Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:56 pm

Just wanted to let everyone know that my Sun Elf wizard was using polymorph and had changed his adjective and when the spell wore off my adjective had not returned to it's previous state, I had set one prior to the polymorph and I believe it happened when the spell component was consumed.
Emeric Ambrosius
Banak Brawnanvil, Tempered of Moradin
Firentis D'Ashar - Hopeful of the Morninglord
Ravith "Firefist" Evanara
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Re: Polymorph Adjective Changes

Post by Althasizor » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:58 pm

Is there anymore information on this you could provide? When you say it did not return to it's previous state, do you mean you kept the adjective set for the polymorphed race? Are you certain that you had set an adjective prior to polymorphing, and were not using a default adjective? Checking back through the forums, I can only find reports of this happening before when a player had not manually set their character's adjective.
What are you talking about? What, that guy?
That was like that when I got here.
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