Acid fog not doing first-round damage

This contains bug reports which the test team have confirmed and are now in the queue to be fixed.
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Sword Grand Master
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Acid fog not doing first-round damage

Post by Levine » Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:29 pm


Acid fog doesn't seem to be doing first-round damage, and only hurts on the subsequent ticks. I've tried this on non-aggro beggars to be sure.

Thanks a lot!
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Re: Acid fog not doing first-round damage

Post by Althasizor » Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:29 pm

SRD says:
Each round on your turn, starting when you cast the spell, the fog deals 2d6 points of acid damage to each creature and object within it.
So the spell is now much closer to what it was intended as. That said, it barely took 5% off of my rogue's max HP. Is it lasting as long/dealing as much damage as it should?
What are you talking about? What, that guy?
That was like that when I got here.
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Re: Acid fog not doing first-round damage

Post by Talos » Fri Jun 12, 2015 5:55 pm

This is being looked into.
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