Merchant mobs not selling all of their inventory

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Merchant mobs not selling all of their inventory

Post by Larethiel » Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:30 pm


I am encountering a problem with a mob that is set up as a merchant but will not sell all the things he has in his inventory and resets.

Typing list will give
(116721) Abd Al-Aziz, the textiles trader mans his shop here.
Item Price
1) a tasselled woolen shemagh 3gp, 2sp, 6cp
2) a flowing finely-embroidered bisht 1pp, 6cp
3) a formal cotton thawb with a stiffened collar 1pp, 6cp
4) an elegant embroidered kaftan 1pp, 6cp
When looking at them to peek
You peek at the inventory:
(116721) a formal cotton thawb with a stiffened collar (perfect)
(116722) a flowing finely-embroidered bisht (perfect)
(116723) a flowing finely-embroidered bisht (perfect)
(116724) a flowing finely-embroidered bisht (perfect)
(116725) a tasselled woolen shemagh (perfect)
(116726) a tasselled woolen shemagh (perfect)
(116727) an elegant embroidered kaftan (perfect)

The merchant is not selling vnums 116722, 116723 and 116725.

The mob is set up like this

Code: Select all

M 0 116721 1 116707 ; abd al-aziz textiles in shop 116707
  G 1 116721 20 ; formal cotton thawb
  G 1 116722 20 ; flowing finely-embroidered bisht
  G 1 116723 20 ; flowing finely-embroidered bisht
  G 1 116724 20 ; flowing finely-embroidered bisht
  G 1 116725 20 ; tasseled woolen shemagh
  G 1 116726 20 ; tasseled woolen shemagh
  G 1 116727 20 ; elegant embroidered kaftan

Code: Select all

     150  50 5  22 CASH_AVERAGE    ; abd al-aziz textiles trader

Anyone got an idea why/how to fix it?
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Re: Merchant mobs not selling all of their inventory

Post by Talos » Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:49 pm

The game appears to take issue when the names of items are exactly the same, sans the color codes. When you change the item names they appear. The simplest fix would be changing the flowing adjective, one of them could be billowing, etc. Alternatively he could display his wares via a bunch of mpechoats and then use bribe progs to loadup and give the player items.
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Re: Merchant mobs not selling all of their inventory

Post by Harroghty » Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:15 pm

That option (loading and giving the objects) also allows you to offer choices of colors, etc. Rather than spend three object VNUMs to differentiate colors you could just have one which the merchant colors for the customer.
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