Epic Feats

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Epic Feats

Post by Andreas » Fri May 28, 2004 5:05 am

Looking to the future with some Prestige Classes in mind, I thought of some Epic Feats I'd like to see in the game.

Epic Prowess
+1 bonus to all attacks - can be gained multiple times with stacked effect

Epic Toughness
+20 hp - can be gained multiple times with stacked effect

Epic Weapon Focus
Prerequisite - Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon
+2 bonus to all attack rolls with chosen weapon

Armour Skin
+2 natural AC bonus - can be gained multiple times with stacked effect

Energy Resistance
PC gains natural resistance to one type of energy (acid, cold, eletricity, fire or sonic) - can be gained multiple times for different resistances or for stacked effect

Overwhelming Critical
Prerequisites: High strength, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Deals additional damage on a critical hit. Damage amount dependent upon weapon critical hit multiplier.

Devastating Critical
Prerequisites: High strength, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical, Overwhelming Critical, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
When successful, target must save or die

Damage Reduction
Prerequisite: High constitution
Reduce damage done to PC by 3 - can be gained multiple times for stacked effect

Fast Healing
Prerequisite: High constitution
PC gains +3 hp above normal healing - can be gained multiple times for stacked effect

Holy Strike
Prerequisites: Smite Evil, Good alignment
Any weapon wielded by PC is counted as a holy weapon (deals extra damage to evil creatures)

Great Smiting
Prerequisites: High charisma, Smite
Doubles smite damage - can be gained multiple times for stacked effect
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Post by Delamen » Sun May 30, 2004 4:35 am

Just wondering if there were any non-paladin specific epic feats?
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Post by Glim » Sun May 30, 2004 6:17 am

Yea, well, Andreas is pretty selfish when it comes to that.
You know I love ya Andreas.

Hmm...I dont have the epic level handbook, but if wanted I could name some epic feats from Neverwinter Nights.

Im afraid I feel that I should apologise for the above comment. It was a thoughtless comment made in jest, as I quite often do, and I did not beleive it would be taken literally. Please forgive me for not thinking that it might be looked upon as serious and not thinking of how it might affect Andrea's feelings. In no way do I beleive Andreas as selfish in trying to improve the class that he has put thousands of hours of work into and that is already if not the then probably one of the most difficult classes to be in this MUD. I just wish everyone to know that it was meant in jest and in no way meant to be taken seriously.
Last edited by Glim on Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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RE: Epic Feats

Post by Andreas » Sun May 30, 2004 5:11 pm

Actually, most of those feats I listed are NOT specific to one class.

And there's tons of feats. Good incentive to buy the Epic Level Handbook and look them up 8)

I've certainly seen other players list things they'd like to see that would only benefit their class, so I took the time to do some research and list some things that I believe would improve the paladin class. It's not an easy class to play for both the roleplay aspects and class restrictions alone. I feel that ANYONE who puts the time and effort into playing a successful paladin should have just as much oppurtunity to get specialised feats as any other class.
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RE: Epic Feats

Post by Andreas » Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:08 am

And in case anyone was wondering, of ALL those feats I listed up there, the ONLY one that is paladin specific is Holy Strike.

I'll share with everyone else the same thing I was told - if you want to see special things for your favourite class - suggest them and/or write quests to get them.
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Post by Drakenor » Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:24 am

Hmm, Would be very nice to have, but would they be to powerful for teh game? As in making PC's to powerful? Take devastating critical for example.
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Post by Glim » Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:41 am

Um...thats kinda the point of epic characters, Drakenor. High level epics can fight gods.
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Post by Delamen » Fri Jun 11, 2004 4:42 am

Heh, not sure the gods will want that much. :D
As for the unbalancing caused by these feats, it'd probably cost something in order to learn them. It's likely that it would involve a major quest, probably need a very high kismet, and it may even cost glory to get it.
There'd probably have to be a limit on how many epic feats a character can learn. That would probably deal with the unbalancing, and would reward the players that have earned it.

Just food for thought.

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Post by Algon » Fri Jun 11, 2004 12:55 pm

I say feats like this should only be available to certain people. High priest(ess) or knights :) of a church, possibly guild heros, people who have put in the many many hours of RP that comes with such a position. I do not think that feats such as this should be able to be acquired by just anyone.
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Post by Pakur » Fri Jun 11, 2004 4:46 pm

I agree, these feats should come at a high price, but I don't think they should only go to paladins, high priests/priestesses, and guild heros. I know many people who have put a lot of time into roleplay, but they're simply not a guild leader, HP, or a paladin.
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Post by Tazmin » Sat Jun 12, 2004 2:16 am

How about the player gets to pick one of these when he/she hits 50. Just one. I realise 20 is epic in tabletop, but hitting 20 here is way to easy to get uber feats like this.
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Post by Algon » Mon Jun 14, 2004 3:14 pm

Tazmin wrote:How about the player gets to pick one of these when he/she hits 50. Just one. I realise 20 is epic in tabletop, but hitting 20 here is way to easy to get uber feats like this.
I think that is a good idea. Perhaps even have it to where you could be rewarded by an IMM for EXTREMELY good RP. and I do not mean just one incedent of RP, but the IMMs watch you for some time and see that you add alot to the mud. Going back to the guild heros and High Priest(ess) of faiths could also be given one. But have a limit of perhaps two since these feats are rather powerful......Just a thought :)
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Post by Telnor » Mon Jun 14, 2004 7:56 pm

I was thinking on the high priest/ess. Maybe have something like the imms will watch you, if they see you add a lot of RP to the mud they could consider you for epic feats. Similiar to who they choose for the high priest/ess. Just my ideas. :)
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Post by Echet » Sat Jun 26, 2004 4:16 am

I just had this really great idea for getting epic feat points. :-) I think, anyway... When you reach level 50, you cannot level up anymore (except to reach hero status), but you still get this little thingy in score that says "May advance" after a really long effort of training, right?

I was thinking that a level 50 character could buy one tenth of an epic feat point for the cost of 100% experience. Then we could place a limit of 5 per character. It would be great incentive for the people that have reached level 50.

What does everyone else think?

Echet, the necromancer.
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Post by Nysan » Sat Jun 26, 2004 7:18 am

A high Kismet and/or glory costing quest designed around each feat is reasonable to me. Prefer it to cost a ton of kismit and a lesser amount of glory. But thats this player's opinion.

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Post by Pakur » Sat Jun 26, 2004 6:55 pm

Yeah, I would have to agree with Nysan, Kismet would be good.
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Post by Algon » Mon Jun 28, 2004 4:32 pm

Echet wrote:I just had this really great idea for getting epic feat points. :-) I think, anyway... When you reach level 50, you cannot level up anymore (except to reach hero status), but you still get this little thingy in score that says "May advance" after a really long effort of training, right?

I was thinking that a level 50 character could buy one tenth of an epic feat point for the cost of 100% experience. Then we could place a limit of 5 per character. It would be great incentive for the people that have reached level 50.

What does everyone else think?

Echet, the necromancer.
Not a bad idea, since these feats are very powerful it should take a long time to earn them. Now the idea for using kismit is also very good...Perhaps it could use both? Instead of costing 1/10 of a point to 100% glory. Why not make it cost say 1/3 of a point for 100% glory and each time it cost 50 kismit. Just a thought.... :)
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Post by Jerigo » Mon Jun 28, 2004 9:59 pm

I just don't think that it should be something that could be done purely through getting exp, even after level 50. There should definitely be some sort of a kismet requirement so people can't just twink their way through epic feats.
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Post by Hviti » Tue Jul 27, 2004 9:29 pm

Nice feats...but what exactly are prestige classes?(You can tell FK is my first brush with FR :) )
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Post by Zilvryn » Tue Jul 27, 2004 11:39 pm

A prestige class is another class you can add to your base class when you have high enough ranks in the relative skills required by the prestige class...

I have a tabletop rogue, I decide that I want to gain some levels in the assassin prestige class. The base requirements for an assassin are (I may be wrong here):

Move Silently - 8 Ranks
Hide - 8 Ranks
Alignment - Any Evil

There is another requirement as well, but I can remember it atm...

So once I have fulfilled this criteria I can start taking levels as an assassin, therefore gaining extra feats and adding a whole new element to my character...

Hope that wasnt too confusing :oops:
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