Race(s) and You

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Race(s) and You

Post by Terrock » Thu May 26, 2016 10:04 pm

Hello everyone, whats up?

Recently I have been wondering about folks favorite races in FK here (that are or were playable). We all have are reason for what we like after all. Or reasons for not likeing em.

I personly have three that I like. The following is my take on them.

Dwarves - Dwarves are an enigma to me. I honestly can't really place my finger on why I love the stout folks. Guess it has to do with multiple things. There alot of attitude rolled into small package. With an emphasis on kin and a stubborness that sets their personlity in stone - there just endering

Half-Orcs - Half Orcs are my other love. Actualy now that I think about it, dwarves and half orcs pretty much make up almost ALL of my characters. Almost. From interacting with half orcs to playing as one,I like how you can expect one thing but generally get something else. Okay, I mean I guess that can be true or any person/race but somehow seems to be the most prominet to me with half orcs. Of course the other reason I love half orcs, has to do with my third love - orcs

Orcs - they're big, brutish and known to be mean. Now here the thing, I don't have ANY orc characters currently. And beleive me, I have tried playing an actual orc, but I can't. This extends from the fact I absolutly stink at being 'evil' or hateful, it just something I find myself generally unable to do in rp. A quirk of any of my chars is that they actualy don't really tend to hate anyone (even if they for all intent and purposes should). If such a situation comes up, they'll normaly just go quiet for the sake of rp, or something like that. But my hearts generally not in it. As such my general love for orcs actually only stems from how they look, along with some of there racial personlity (brutish, impatient, punch first).

Actualy if I am really honest, I would love to play a Chaotic Good Orc. It could make for intresting rp. But if one is honest with themselves this is unlikely to even occure ic or rather be extrodinary rare and in the long run it would probably be a losing battle game wise. After all, probably going to get in trouble with your fello orcs, and most other races it either they kill you or you kill them lore wise. Still it a nice thought to think about.

Anyways, thats enough out of me. How about you guys, any races you have a preference for, dislike, or wish you could do something with, or mabey HAVE done something with?
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Yemin » Thu May 26, 2016 10:27 pm

So you like the short angry people, the big angry people, and the larger angrier people lol.

Human is my favourite race hands down. Why you ask? because when I play a human I feel like i can really understand their motivations etc. I dont' understand the demi human races so whenever i play them I always feel like i'm doing something wrong which makes me uncomfortable.

Thats really just it. I like some factors about other races but human is always my go to race if i'm going to be playing them.

In terms of which races I like for asthetic reasons or features about they're history etc it's more likely to go something like

Post spell plague tieflings because now they have a shared history.
Humans because of the netherese and the sharran church's nialism.
Elves because Corellon Larethian and star blade epicness.
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Vaemar » Thu May 26, 2016 10:30 pm

Drow: I like how their culture is based on reverse values in comparison to mainstream traditional Western (Christian) values, yet at the same time they can have unexpected qualities that would be thought as good, like self-sacrifice of the individual for the good of their community. Also the irony and the ambiguity that while they have a millenarian history they live by the minute, knowing their life might end abruptly at any moment. Also the subtle political play, present really at all levels of their society, as well as the continual plotting and trickery going on at all time is thrilling.

Goblins: little pesky animals with a cunning intelligence who like to have other think they are dumb. In truth they are rather smart, albeit in a bestial way, and they manage to trick their opponents and overrun them with their numbers or shrewdness. I also love how they get along well with wolves/worgs as well as the fact they look for "masters" to exploit to their advantage. It makes for an interesting game where the master thinks the goblin is their pet, while the goblin, in truth, uses parasitically the master to gain for themselves as they plan for their great dreams. The fact that also these great dreams are unlikely to ever be realized adds a spice of both irony and melancholy to the role that makes it awesome.

Then I tend to try all races and I have found tieflings and halfdrow to be very interesting as of late, but goblins and drow remain my favourite from many many years.

As for orcs I have just made one and I am finding the role, although a little difficult, quite funny. It is a different rp, with many possibilities. I suggest to everybody to try an orc, as well as other races with unique rp such as deep gnomes, forest gnomes, wood or wild elves, etc.
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Areia » Thu May 26, 2016 10:55 pm

Humans are by far my favorite, for much the same reasons Yemin mentioned. It's not that I mind doing the research needed to play other races well--I actually really love pretty much anything in that sense--I just never feel like I really understand them. This goes especially for elves of any flavor, gnomes, all of the planetouched, etc. I just tend to feel really uncomfortable trying to get into a completely different mindset like that. Always end up feeling like my elf is a pointy-eared human, my assimar is a human with expressive eyes and shining golden locks, and the like.

Dwarves, though, is a race I've done a fair bit in tabletop and recently on FK. Those guys I do feel like I understand at least enough to not make my PC just a short, hairy human. Shield dwarves most particularly. I don't really care for the gold or wild varieties from what relatively little I know of them.

I have one halfelf... I feel more comfortable with her than with an elf, but.. That's only because she's completely human in all but appearance. :P
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Terrock » Thu May 26, 2016 10:59 pm

Yemin wrote:So you like the short angry people, the big angry people, and the larger angrier people lol.
Lol, well to be fair... I ALSO like giants. So that GAINT angry people too XD. But my post was getting a tad bit long (that and I don't think they are or were a playable race here). And while all three/four are from a humans perspective quite angry. I found that when I played them, they weren't so much as angry.... they just have a different way of seeing the world. Of the little experince I have playing an with/as an orc, as well as dwarf and half orc, angry is not actualy the first word that comes to mind.

In truth, I find these three/four races quite relatable. But I think while playing them, I just I guess 'feel' there qualities and it feels in a way relatable? Hard to say!

Intrestingly enough, I find humans the -least- relatable of any race to play or perhaps so relatable that I can't see a relation? It quite difficult to describe, it almost like its.... harder to see who they are or could be, because as a human myself I know somewhat how broad a range a humans background can potentially be, and make it more difficult to go with or against a sort of grain you can say.
Vaemar wrote: As for orcs I have just made one and I am finding the role, although a little difficult, quite funny. It is a different rp, with many possibilities. I suggest to everybody to try an orc, as well as other races with unique rp such as deep gnomes, forest gnomes, wood or wild elves, etc.
I have considered trying an orc again.... but I am hesitant. THAT being said, I do agree that everyone at the very least give an orc a try. Actualy I heartedly recommond giving all races a try. Everyone for one reason or another has those races that stick with them for one reason or another after all ^_^

Your view on goblins and drow is intresting. while I haven't played them yet, I have certainly been considering them
Areia wrote:Humans are by far my favorite, for much the same reasons Yemin mentioned. It's not that I mind doing the research needed to play other races well--I actually really love pretty much anything in that sense--I just never feel like I really understand them. This goes especially for elves of any flavor, gnomes, all of the planetouched, etc. I just tend to feel really uncomfortable trying to get into a completely different mindset like that. Always end up feeling like my elf is a pointy-eared human, my assimar is a human with expressive eyes and shining golden locks, and the like.
That is certainly a fair point there. Which actually brings in a odd truth I must admit. I have never, in ALL my years had the pleasure of playing a table top game fully. My life at the time didn't really have room for it. So most of my character are 'joke' chars. For example, I had a dragontouch char that turned into a ghost after getting killed by a genie eating a sandwhich (it an odd group). It was funny an enjoyable for the time I had, but always wanted to play a full campagn and not just a joke char.

That being said, I've also only ever done little research on the various races. I just needed to know the what, when, where and why. I decide the Who XD. Which dosn't always make for an accurate representation of the race, but I've never felt uncomfortable. In alot of ways I think of races as humans with a set of background and parameters to work from, as opposed to the actual human race which is all over the place!.

As for dwarves, I'm partial to gold dwarves since there somewhat less angry, and actualy have an appreciation for magic XD
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Yemin » Thu May 26, 2016 11:16 pm

I wouldn't mind playing this for a while.
Talos wrote: A goblin, a trickster, a warrior? A nameless terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. A most feared being in all the cosmos. Nothing could stop, hold, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
In truth though, this is my favourite race:
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Robot_Gir ... 5e_Race%29

Especially when she can prestige into this:
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Arch-Gole ... e_Class%29
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Vaemar » Thu May 26, 2016 11:28 pm

In general what I like of the other races is their culture. The more I find their culture stimulating, as with drow and goblins, the more I like the race. Appearance and bonuses count almost nothing for me in that regard. Of course the aspect of culture applies very well to humans as well. A human from say, Luskan, is practically a different *race*, or better, a different culture, from one from, say, Calimshan or Mulhorand. In fact in these days I am reading to rp a human from a particular place of Faerun I find very fascinating. I am really curious to see what comes out of it.
Terrock wrote:Your view on goblins and drow is intresting. while I haven't played them yet, I have certainly been considering them
Oh, try them. You won't regret for sure.

Drow are stuck in the Underdark and loathing ecl I wrote almost an encylopaedia in the suggestion board. But, that said, they are really the best investment of your first 200 kismet. The setting built in this mud is simply what every drow fan has always dreamed made true. Areas are very inspiring and detailed, with many references to lore. Beginning is tough, but still manageable. The rp is simply sublime although you may meet, from time to time, the one character you don't like. But if you are not a hothead you won't have any problem and, on the other hand, have a great time. It is really a different kind of game, practically a game in the game. Even the way a drow travels in their world is completely different from that of a surfacer. And so is for almost everything else.

Goblins on the other hand are a pretty surprising race. You don't expect them to have the huge potential they have. They can go in more places than one images, especially keeping a low profile. In this regard the thief is probably one of the best classes to choose for this race, in my opinion. In fact it is their favourite class in tabletop by the way. Also the number of people you can interact with is particularly broad considering goblins are a monstrous race. I daresay they have not much less interacting potential than elves, all things considered. The only problems for goblins I have found is that they lack training and area support. But it is not something unplayable or too troublesome. A good thing of goblins, however, is that, unlike the drow, they are not stuck in the Underdark, and barring some cities of the goodie races, they really can go anywhere they please.

Give them a thought and make a whistle when you decide to go for one. ;)
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Harroghty » Fri May 27, 2016 2:38 am

Vaemar wrote:A human from say, Luskan, is practically a different *race*, or better, a different culture, from one from, say, Calimshan or Mulhorand
My favorite race is Cormyrean.
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Larethiel » Fri May 27, 2016 3:29 am

Sun elves and elves in general because of their traits and lore.
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Yemin » Fri May 27, 2016 9:48 am

Larethiel wrote:Sun elves and elves in general because of their traits and lore.
But what about your second and thirds if you had to?
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Althasizor » Sat May 28, 2016 1:21 am

If I had to pick one: Rashemen Human. Something about their old, folkloric, pagan religion, and their political relations with certain neighbouring nations is just so fascinating.

If I could have a runner up: Mountain Orcs. They're -so much more- than evil-for-the-sake-of-evil. Putting yourself in the boots of something so justifiably(according to their own teachings) hateful, brutal, and amoral is highly cathartic.
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Sithiel » Sat May 28, 2016 7:13 am

For me there's something about half-drows. They are basicly outcasts of every possible society, which gives them a certain outlook in life that is different from most other races. Be it a neutral half-drow, trying to earn himself a repute as a worthy citizen of the realms, or a chaotic evil one who carries on his drowish legacy, they are faced with prejudice that they need to overcome. I think that is why I enjoy them the most. It feels that as a half-drow I always have something to prove. Also the intimidation of a drow like appearance when you meet little do-gooders is a nice bonus ;).
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Gwain » Sat May 28, 2016 7:14 am

I sort of like humans, halflings and golems.
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Yemin » Sat May 28, 2016 8:17 am

Gwain wrote:I sort of like humans, halflings and golems.
Another one for the super race.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Andreas » Sat May 28, 2016 8:18 pm

Given the races of my characters, I seem to favor humans. I guess because there's such a wide variety of humanity in the Realms. Not a single one of my human characters is anything like the others.
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Melusine » Sun May 29, 2016 9:12 pm

I like lots of races, and my favorite tends to be whatever I'm currently playing. I like elves, aasimar, tieflings, and halfelves the most. They all have very different cultures, and even within those groups you have tons of variation. Especially considering haflelves, where you get to choose their elven and human sides independently. I tend not to like the uglier, more bestial races (orcs, goblins, etc), though my least favorite is human. I get to be a human every day, so in my fantasy and playtime, I like to be something else for a while.
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Benorf » Tue Sep 20, 2016 1:56 am

Halfings. I have so much love for Hin, and I don't really even know why. I love their culture, the nomadic tenancies, short stature, always the underdog.... I dunno. I think they're severely underrepresented here. I've got more Halflings than any other race, I think.
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Aysa » Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:01 pm

For me, it breaks down like this:

Human, Elves (all flavors), and half-elves...

I do not like playing:

Dwarves and gnomes...

I might consider playing:

Halflings (but I would need to have a lot of sugar and/or coffee... and make sure to have the right mindset), Orcs, and Half-Orcs...

For me, when I design a character, I like to have a story in mind for the character. I can really get behind human storylines and elven storylines. I really love the Drow culture, the politics and subterfuge is really fun to play. For aesthetic reasons, I think I drift towards the "less hairy folk" or the more "normal height" folk. I, personally, disagree that Dwarven women have beards but that is for another post. But it is just not in me to play those.

I am also a huge proponent for roleplay, so I tend to shy away from P-Kill characters. Evil characters are great NPCs, but as I am finding with myself -- I just suck at being evil in a RP setting. I want to help newbies progress. I want to have fun when I'm online... and while I could have fun being evil, it is only in doses. When it tells a great story.

I also try to shy away from combat heavy character. I would rather play a Enchantress more so than an Invoker. I would rather play a wizard or a rogue over a fighter. I am not big on dishing out damage (which goes back to my not playing evil characters). I am big on telling a story. I am big on having quirks.

Ok, so now I am rambling. So there are my $.02 -- take it, leave it, burn it. :)
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Ailyn » Fri Oct 07, 2016 8:02 pm

Well, for me I tend towards humans and those who fall within a mostly human society (Aasimar, Genasi, half-elves). I dislike playing gnomes and halflings, and dwarves are a rare thing for me as well. Elves are fun, but on a rare occurrence.

I also enjoy good characters over evil. I have tried evil, but I just can never get into that mindset really.I have difficulties with lawful characters myself. I like neutral and chaotic alignments a lot more, doing good even if it means it is outside the laws a little.

As for the classes I like, I enjoy them all. Most of my characters are more combat oriented in some way, but I enjoy all forms. Divine, Arcane, Stealth and front line. The only class I really have trouble with is Bard, as I myself am not too talented and most things I would create would be lack-luster.
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Re: Race(s) and You

Post by Alitar » Fri Oct 07, 2016 8:14 pm

Human master race.

In all seriousness, I feel a more empathetic link for a human character. The other races have alien minds and alien motives so while I can write for them, I do not find the same level of immersion or joy.

That said, the planetouched are human races and half-whatnots are, while less human than planetouched, still kept somewhat similar of mind and motive.

Just my thoughts for preferences.
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