Animal Healing

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Sword Novice
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Animal Healing

Post by Krenzul » Thu May 25, 2017 2:37 am

Some NPCs in the game heal our pets but it also seems that that is all they do and do not heal stamina or other effects. It is possible I am mistaken so if someone knows what the syntax would be to heal your animals stamina that would be awesome. If it does not exist, could we make it possible to do so? And maybe a helpfile with all the correct syntaxs on how?
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Re: Animal Healing

Post by Areia » Thu May 25, 2017 11:41 am

All of the whole two NPC minion healers that I know of appear to be scripted through area code, instead of the hard code sort of functionality that governs NPC healers through the usual 'heal' command. So there likely is no other 'syntaxes' for getting these NPCs to do what you want. They do what the area's builder asks them to do and not more.

That said, the minion healers I know of presently will use the heal spell and the regenerate spell on their targets. One could always conceivably apply to build an area that includes a mob that does more, but honestly I feel like those two are plenty, covering the vast majority of ailments an average minion will incur through average use. meanwhile, those who use minions quite a lot more often (I have druids and rangers in mind here), already are equipped with the tools needed to maintain their beastly friends--refresh, revive, cure disease, neutralize poison, etc., etc. If the average character is tiring out their minions so frequently, they might want to look into different minions or more conservative usage of those they already have; that is how RL horsemen etc. have to think, after all. Or, well, bug a cleric friend. ^^
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Re: Animal Healing

Post by Talos » Wed Jul 19, 2017 8:14 pm

Added more healers to the world.
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