Where are you guys?

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Where are you guys?

Post by Tagrid » Thu Nov 23, 2017 7:25 am

Okay, I'm Dave. I've been playing on FK, not very well, for a while. You've all been so nice to me, and put up with so much from me. I was curious about who and where you all are. But we must be careful and I cannot be nosey. So recently I discovered that Wonko the Sane and I live within 50 miles of one another. And we have a lot in common. I was curious. If I state that my home is in

Bremerton, Washington... can any of you who wish to measure the distance using google and post how fare you live from me and Wonko? This is the first time I've tried socializing on the forums, and after some encouragement from Tempus, I decided to stick my toe in the water, so to speak.
I'm 58 years old, and used to be a commercial Truck driver. Now I'm studying to become a medical receptioninst, since I cannot walk or stand for more than six hours out of the day. Got a wife and three kids, and RPGs are the only hobby I have.
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Mele » Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:30 am

Hi Dave!

I am Danica. I've been playing FK for about 15 years now. I currently live near Sacramento, California. I was born and raised near Boston, Massachusetts. I moved to California when I was 24, to live with my husband. We have a son, who is four. My husband and I actually met here, on FK, when we were in our very early 20's. Next week I will be 35.

I crochet and play other games for hobbies. Crochet nearly nonstop, pretty obsessively. Currently my most played game is Overwatch, but there's not much I haven't tried genre wise.

Nice to 'meet' you, I'm glad you reached out!
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Areia » Thu Nov 23, 2017 6:59 pm


The name's Tyler, and I'm a whopping twenty three years old... Yeah, I know. I've been on FK for--jeez, four years now I think? But I've managed to be online for a total number of hours that's beginning to reach near some older players' times, so that's a point of equal pride and shame for me. FK's just... so addicting.

Sadly I don't reside anywhere near all you west coasters. I'm in southwest Florida, or sometimes at FSU in Tallahassee finishing up my last semester before graduation. I did recently learn that I'm not the only FKer within a thousand miles, though, so that's great!

FK's likewise pretty much the only thing I do in free time. I'm a musician (not professional or anything), too, but lately I've had little opportunity for that love of mine. I'm an 80s/90s metalhead at heart, but super in to really anything that's not too rap-ish (except Run-DMC because those guys just rocked).

Also, I've enjoyed the RP we've had so far! Always looking forward to more.
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Ariala » Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:06 am

I'm Nicky!
Currently living in Wisconsin. Actually lived in Tallahassee, FL up until 4 years ago
(Areia..looking at you bub), then my fiance and I moved up to the frozen freaking tundra.
I've been playing FK for about 10 years now.
Glad to have you around!
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Tagrid » Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:31 pm

Hah! And I thought most of the players were from across the Pond! Nice to know you guys!
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Mele » Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:46 pm

Most players are American! :)

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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Benorf » Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:16 am

I am Malcolm, and I'm just a short 90 minute drive south of Nicky! Wisconsin is the home of winners.

I've been on FK for about 5 years, and look forward to many more.
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Tagrid » Sat Nov 25, 2017 6:38 am

Neat, Nicky and Malcom. I was born and raised across the lake, in Michigan.. I'm a Troll. Anybody figure that one out is probably from Michigan.
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Daerin » Sat Nov 25, 2017 6:42 am

Heya Rogo!

Names Ryan, and I live near Seattle WA. :)

Grew up in Redding Ca, and have a lifelong love of fish and medicine. I think we're fairly close as far as geographical terms go, and I spend a lot of time out on the Kitsap peninsula. Here's hoping we'll cross paths soon! I've played FK for... well, a Long arse time. I think I started back in 1999, but my memory is suspect at times.

Other than Luckspelling, I run my marine biology podcast and am a scribe for a local podiatrist. Nice to meet you! =D
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Gwain » Sun Nov 26, 2017 7:47 am

I’m Batman
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Alitar » Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:57 am

No, I'm Batman.
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Harroghty » Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:08 pm


Hi, I'm Drew. I'm exiled to lovely coastal North Carolina from the lovelier hills of Georgia, but I'm doing okay. I've been playing FK since 2004. I used to be in the military and now I consult companies on enterprise digital strategy and transformation, in a techno-functional role where I consult and also implement some systems.
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Lirith » Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:28 pm

Harroghty wrote: I consult companies on enterprise digital strategy and transformation, in a techno-functional role where I consult and also implement some systems.
Did you mean to introduce yourself as Chandler Bing?

I’m Pauline, and one of the minority that does live outside of the US in Edinburgh. Forever 21 (or 32 depending who you ask), my job is almost as complicated to explain as Drew’s so I’ll just say I work in drug development. I’ve been playing FK for over 10 years, although I do some other stuff too like knit and complain about two cats.
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Alinor » Tue Nov 28, 2017 8:00 am

My name is Alinor and I'm a sun elf who was born on The Green Isle, Evermeet.

Ok, ok. In reality (boo!) my name is Mike, I'm 40, and I live in California (somewhere around an hour south of Mele). I first started FK in 2013 but then took a hiatus and didn't really come back to play heavily until 2016. I don't know how my hours may compare to others but like Areia, I've been heavily addicted and put probably way too much time into FK now and then. I tend to get drawn into other games (mostly computer rpgs) so I take breaks now and then from FK but I also tend to come back before long. Beyond that, I'm not sure what else to say because I'm pretty boring lol.
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Tagrid » Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:43 pm

Good to hear from all you, and to get an idea of faces behind the chars. I have three cats and two guinea pigs, all female. I used to drive trucks for a living, even though I have a bachelor's degree in History. I live with my wife and daughter, so I'm the only male in a house of seven females.. nice to have FK to run to when the pheremones start flying. But I really wouldn't change my life or the way I've lived it for anything.
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Jarngron » Thu Nov 30, 2017 4:28 am

Hi, my name is Matthew.
I live in Dallas-Fort Worth, and I keep three fatty toads for pets.
I am also a tier four technical analyst for telecommunications and networking.
I have a degree in English Literature and have been in FK for the better part of two years now.

First I came for a game of 3.5 D&D/Pathfinder, and I have stayed due to the immense attention to detail and excellent writing skills from a majority of the playerbase. I really enjoy the challenge of being a jolly Dwarf, a pacifist, a cripple, or a psychotic theologian.
True story: I was nervous at first to jump into the roleplay at the Market Square, and just wandered the High Road looking for someone to break the ice for days. I had spent months reading about Faerun, idling in a room at the Dripping Dagger. It was my first time in Toril and I was very alone, which I was alright with - I typically play very competitive PvP games without remorse.

Though, one day, Gwain appeared on that road and shattered my apprehension as to whether or not my writing style would harmonize with the players here. Soon I was in the market with a cart of brew, and now I am very proud of how much Jarngron has contributed to his kin and friends. I'm proud of you too, thanks for roleplaying with me. Let me know if you're going to the Texas Renaissance Festival!
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Tagrid » Thu Nov 30, 2017 5:00 pm

Wish I could Matt. I used to go to the TRF every year! Loved the ambiance and the performers. and the adult beverages, you could get mead or wine or ale. And enjoy the drink anywhere. In Colorado, all we could get was Coors.. hate the stuff. Must be the hopps they use. Here in Washington State, the drinking is strictly segregated and the food prices are insane. But they have homemade root beer and ginger beer in old fashioned bottles with slings. FK has been the best mud I've ever played. I started back in the nineties. I'm proud to be a player here, and tell all my face to face friends about it. I keep hoping to see them here one day.. but they are mostly young men with families and careers.
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Jarngron » Thu Nov 30, 2017 6:47 pm

Ahh Dave, you're taking me back, I have to hold back from jabbering about how awesome TRF is - just thinking about it takes me back to that place. I had a thumb nearly cut clean off there once, and remember as I laid to rest how the drum circles for miles just thudded the ground. It wasn't obnoxiously loud, but it really felt like something out of the past. And that's just the campgrounds. The cannons firing, and this little old woman in a bonnet greets you at the gates saying "I'm Granny Snatch" - the head wench.
As far as LARP goes you'll find everything from riveted leather mail with demon wings to blindfolded archers and Sholo, the Nubian Warrior that performs Shakespeare on the regular. I could go on, but I'll just share a picture of my pal Sholo.

Last edited by Jarngron on Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Mele » Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:47 pm

Can I get Sholo's number tho?

(I'm joking, I'm joking. Please don't burn me.)
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Re: Where are you guys?

Post by Lorelie » Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:58 pm

Hello! My name is Mari and I am in San Diego, CA. I have been on FK since the first month it was opened. I did take a rather long break but I came back :)
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