A sad message for everyone...

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A sad message for everyone...

Post by Alexan » Tue Nov 28, 2017 3:16 pm

Hey everyone,

It's been a while since anyone has seen me here, and considering I don't remember how I left off with everyone, I'll just reintroduce myself. I'm Alexan Histub, and I go by Alex in real life, though that is my middle name. I played here some years ago, and due to personal issues, I stopped. This isn't about me, however.

The reason I'm posting here today, is I have a sad message for everyone. Maggie, the woman I love, has passed on. You may know her as Gesine, Ynaura, more recently as Yumna Joy, though if I recall she had about 27 characters here by my last count, so I cannot attest to the name everyone knew her here by.

She was diagnosed with bone cancer, around this time last year. Though she fought hard, but due to how advanced it was, along with other health complications she suffered, it was her time. She was 31.

I'm telling everyone because I felt you all deserved to know. She started playing here to find a way to connect with the world during... I don't even remember anymore, I think 2010? She was frequently in and out of the hospital, and you all helped her through periods of isolation when she couldn't interact with others in any other way. You all helped her get through some of the hardest times in her life, and that alone should speak to the community you have here. I thank you for that, and I believe she would too, given the chance.

I have already been approached as how people could send flowers or do something for her. Unfortunately her wishes were to not have a formal service, so I cannot give you an address for well-wishes. She was very charitable, however, so if you wish to honor her in a tangible way, send something small to a charity that helps children, or those less fortunate. She loved Toys for Tots especially! I would say though, she would be happier if you find some way to honor her here, in the community or game, even if it's nothing more than sharing a story on this post.

She always had fond memories here (even the ups and downs), and I'm eternally grateful since this is where her and I first met. Many characters had her personality in some form or another, and she loved to make characters based on the people in her life that inspired her.

I'll try to stick around for a little while on the forums, and maybe pop in once or twice into FK (I think Alexan was dead and naked last time I logged in, but I suppose that's what you get for randomly logging in one day drunk!). If you have specific questions, feel free to send me a PM and I'll answer them as best I can. If not, then let me just say thank you again for being able to put that smile on her face I loved.
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Rakthar » Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:06 pm

Gesine was the first PC teacher for me, also one of the first players to interact with me when i started playing, and she was just great at it, patiently smithing the noob out of me, we didn't play that much simultaenously, but when we did, it was always pleasant, we'll all miss and cherish her, i hope we can remember and celebrate her life, by keeping this place a haven for everyone, and doing the things she'd have done, even if we disagree in one thing or another, the warm feeling one has when they feel a part of FK's family, thank you, Maggie.
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Lorelie » Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:41 pm

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I will always remember Ynaura, Lorelie's biggest fan.
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Vaemar » Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:53 pm

My deep and heartfelt condolances, Alexan. I feel close to you, as I lost one of my dear ones just a few days ago. There are hardly worse blows than losing prematurely somebody we love. She will continue to live in the memory of the beautiful moments she left to us both in life and in game, and the pain from her loss shows how great was the love she gave to all those around her.

Unfortunately I probably didn't interact too much with her characters in game, but I recall fondly some roleplay plots around Iumna a year or two ago, and I recall I felt and saw in how others spoke of her that she was a fantastic person.

Be strong and keep her legacy alive.
Last edited by Vaemar on Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Areia » Tue Nov 28, 2017 9:29 pm

She was a great player, and more, a great person. Some of my happiest memories on this game came to be because of her. Her and Rynn's antics, her crazy puppy, her bouncing disposition as Yumna even during some really dark moments in a plot, and what regrettably little OOC interaction she and I had was no less enjoyable. You'd never guess that she was dealing with so many things IRL if you didn't know any better. I've been missing and hoping for her ever since I heard the news about the cancer. As much as a pain it is to hear, thank you, Alex, for sharing the news. Wishing you only the best in trying to heal.

And thank you, Maggie, for all the good times. You were a light in dark places and always a joy. We'll never forget you. <3
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Emeli » Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:33 am

I am so sorry for your loss. She will always be in our hearts and memories.
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Alexan » Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:51 pm

Thank you everyone for the well wishes and the stories. It's always nice to hear about her exploits, and even better to hear about how she helped others.
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Ailyn » Thu Nov 30, 2017 3:27 am

Gesine was a great friend and teacher to Ailyn, helping her (and me personally some) during a rough spot I had. I loved playing with her and all, always keeping things fun and interesting. Whether it was brewing, or going out to find her because she got lost and ended up dead in some random place, I enjoyed every single moment. I had always wished for her to come back around, so that I could tell her how much she helped me out through that time. I would like to do something to immortalize such a wonderful person in FK, since she does indeed deserve it for all she has been to us here. But even if not, she will be one of those that I remember the most fondly.
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Dapher » Thu Nov 30, 2017 3:47 am

First and foremost, you have my most sincere sympathies, I will make sure several toys are donated to toys for tots in her name. I recall years ago a character named Phoebe (player's name Stephanie), a friend OOC to myself and to Maggie passed away from a form of cancer. The statue south of the market square in Waterdeep was placed there in her memory. It would be great if we could do something very similar for Maggie. When I was in High School I had made the decision to join the military. When I told Maggie about it on MSN IM, she got upset with me. At first I was disappointed in her, but after talking it dawned on me. She was not mad at me, she was concerned for my well being. Time and time again she would consider someone else's well being before her own. She was going through an intense session of therapy at the time, and all she wanted to talk about was someone else's well being. She will be dearly missed, and she added so much more to my life than just another character (or 20) on FK, she was a friend.
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Jarngron » Thu Nov 30, 2017 4:44 am

This is so sad I could cry like a baby. Gesine was one of my favorite characters just because of her mannerisms.

Gesine walks in from the south.

<100%hp 95m 100%mv>
Gesine says to the Constable 'I do not like you.'

<100%hp 95m 100%mv>
Gesine nods.

<100%hp 95m 100%mv>
Gesine walks south.
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Tagrid » Thu Nov 30, 2017 5:17 pm

I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I didn't know the player much at all. We did on a few occasion RP but mostly social. My wife is a cancer survivor so I know your own struggle has been rough. It is not easy for those who become caregivers to the ones we love in this way. I keep hearing from my wife how she doesn't know what she would have done without me... I am sure Maggie felt the same way. We who love them see them at their worst, their most vulnerable, and while many see their struggle, they don't see ours. You did everything you could, and obviously you loved her very much. In the coming days know that you are not alone, and we all share your grief, and laud your struggle.
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Aysa » Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:44 pm

I'm just now getting around to reading some of the boards... and I'm in tears!

One, I didn't know who all of Yumna's characters were... but Yumna and Nixa had a huge bond. I have no words that I can say... she will be missed.

Rest in Peace.
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Mouat » Tue Jan 23, 2018 4:20 am

So sorry for this very, very late reply. There is no excuse that I have for being so late to give my deepest condolences to you for your loss.

I lost my own wife to cancer back in 2008. She also played here a bit, mostly for the interaction, she was not a big DnD fan.

I chatted with Maggie many times on AIM or Messenger. We had great RP moments, lots of funny ones. The banter back and forth between Gesine and Rynn were some of the funniest moments for me in the game.

I knew from the last few times that she wasn't doing well in the hospital. May she rest in peace.

Again my sincere condolances.
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by hasryn » Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:35 pm

Oh man I just saw this and god. That's man I feel like i just got kicked in the nuts. I'm sorry for your loss. She was a great lady and always fun to rp with. I wish I could have been around for her. :( :cry:
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Andreas » Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:38 am

I regret that I'm only just now seeing this. My condolences for your loss.

I enjoyed role playing with Gesine and Yumna when the opportunities arose. She was a skilled and creative role player. I will remember her fondly.
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Re: A sad message for everyone...

Post by Alvirin » Fri Apr 20, 2018 10:51 pm

I'm speechless. Even if I have been very long without playing FK I still can remember her as someone incredible to always have around.

Words can't not mean how much sorry I am.

My condolences to you and her family.

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