Epic Battles

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Sword Grand Master
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Epic Battles

Post by Areia » Mon May 27, 2019 4:56 am

Whether it's a pivotal moment for RP like the final standoff between the big good and the big evil, or a sweet achievement like finally killing a notoriously difficult mob, or just a plain old, hard-fought brawl that came down to the wire, I personally love looking back on logs of big battles. I don't know about other folks, but there's just something about a hard fight that grabs and keeps my interest, and I keep logs of all the best ones.

So I thought why not share some of my favorites and hopefully get to see some others'. This one, a contest bout between Areia and Ithrael, has to be among my top favorites. Ithrael gets tied up real early here, which would mean a quick win against almost anyone, but he was so ready for it and knocked me, as a player, well off balance because of it. Thanks to a well-cast sound burst, Areia spends the vast majority of the fight damn near stunned, and Ithrael keeps on her. By the end, Areia wins it far more through luck than anything else. If he'd had just one more heal, or one more earth reaver...
Last edited by Areia on Mon May 27, 2019 6:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Nascentes morimur, finisque ab origine pendet.
Sword Grand Master
Sword Grand Master
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Re: Epic Battles

Post by Areia » Mon May 27, 2019 5:11 am

And because sometimes the very best battles are the ones you lose, here's one of many things that made me love Zethanon's character. After a ton of provocation by Zeth, including murdering some of Areia's brothers and sisters, Areia gets played like a fiddle, challenging Zeth, promising to do horrible things to her, even bringing two invisible friends along to the fight like the evil cheaty bitch she can be. Little did she know...
Areia nods once at Zethanon, then she rolls her shoulders and asks, 'Shall I make it quick, then, or draw it out?'.
Zethanon lazily stretches her arms a bit, her gaze wandering your form as she does so and hmms, contemplating your question.
Zethanon finally answers, 'Draw't out, I wanna look't ya long's I can.'.
Zethanon nods.
Your killmode is: kill
Your vision descends to the material plane.
Areia dips her head. 'Very well.' With that, she falls into spellcasting, the arcane syllables full of wrath as they leave her lips.
Zethanon quaffs a shadowy potion.
Zethanon's skin hardens to a malleable stone.
Zethanon's flesh assumes a draconian form.
A shroud of flickering shadow envelops Zethanon.
cast 'greater curse' zeth
You begin to chant.
Zethanon stops using a shadowy potion.
Some beeswax glows briefly.
A sewing needle glows briefly.
Zethanon seems to shake off the affects of your spell.
The lightning has stopped.
Zethanon gives you a small bead of antimagic.
Zethanon gets a dark greatsword engraved with a pattern of thorns from a wire-wrapped scabbard decorated with 'briar thorns and wilting roses'.
Zethanon holds a dark greatsword engraved with a pattern of thorns in both of her hands.
cast 'mirror image'
A small bead of antimagic disrupts your attempt at casting.
You scowl angrily.
Zethanon strikes out at you on the casting.

Zethanon approaches you and prepares to engage you in combat!
Zethanon's stone skin absorbs all of your damage.
Nivalis joins the battle!
Ailyn joins the battle!
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
Zethanon's slash tears open your abdomen.
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
Zethanon's slash tears a gaping wound into your abdomen.
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
With a sickening sound Zethanon's slash deftly shreds your chest.
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
Zethanon's slash lacerates your right arm.
Ailyn fades into visibility.
cast 'mirror image'
Zethanon ducks under Ailyn's slashing attack.
A small bead of antimagic disrupts your attempt at casting.
Nivalis fades into visibility.
Zethanon ducks under Nivalis's slashing attack.
Zethanon ducks under Nivalis's slashing attack.

Zethanon's stone skin absorbs all of your damage.
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
Zethanon's slash lacerates your chest.
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
With a sickening sound Zethanon's slash violently shreds your abdomen.
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
Zethanon's slash tears a gaping wound into your right arm.
Ailyn begins to chant.
You guess Ailyn is casting dispel magic.
Ailyn utters the words, 'dispel magic'.
Zethanon resists some of Ailyn's attempt to dispel her magic.
Nivalis's slash viciously cuts Zethanon's chest.

Zethanon's stone skin absorbs all of your damage.
Zethanon gives you an iron grenado.
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
Zethanon's slash lacerates your left leg.
Zethanon ducks under Ailyn's slashing attack.
Zethanon ducks under Ailyn's slashing attack.
Zethanon ducks under Ailyn's slashing attack.
Zethanon ducks under Nivalis's slashing attack.

Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
With a sickening sound Zethanon's slash violently shreds your abdomen.
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
Zethanon's slash lacerates your left leg.
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
Zethanon's slash tears a gaping wound into your abdomen.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
With a sickening sound Zethanon's slash deftly shreds your chest.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
With a sickening sound Zethanon's slash deftly shreds your chest.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Zethanon ducks under Ailyn's slashing attack.
cast 'mirror image'
Zethanon ducks under Nivalis's slashing attack.
A small bead of antimagic disrupts your attempt at casting.
Zethanon ducks under Nivalis's slashing attack.

Zethanon's stone skin absorbs all of your damage.
Zethanon gives a small bead of antimagic to Ailyn.
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
Zethanon's slash lacerates your right leg.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Ailyn's slash deeply gashes Zethanon's chest.
Zethanon ducks under Ailyn's slashing attack.
Zethanon ducks under Nivalis's slashing attack.
dro bead
Zethanon ducks under Nivalis's slashing attack.
You prepare to drop bead...

You drop a small bead of antimagic.
A small bead of antimagic dissolves into mist.
Zethanon's stone skin absorbs all of your damage.
Your stone skin absorbs some of Zethanon's damage.
Zethanon pulls her blow aimed at you.
Zethanon pulls her blow aimed at Areia.
Zethanon's slash lacerates your abdomen.
You are too stunned to do that.

Zethanon stands over the three bodies with a grin, pacing around the forms with a hum of thought, 'What t'do, what t'do...'.
Areia lies, motionless, by the side of the road.
Other players will see your pose as 'Areia is lain flat out by the side of the road.'.
Zethanon looks over at you a time and bobs her head in a nod, 'I'm knowin'.'.
Zethanon reaches over and grabs at you, starting to walk off, dragging you along with her.
Areia is dragged, barely able to protest, though she does manage to get out, 'Kelemvor...'.
Zethanon squints at you, thwapping you over the head once more for good measure.
Zethanon nods and carries on about her dragging.
Nascentes morimur, finisque ab origine pendet.
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Re: Epic Battles

Post by Mele » Mon May 27, 2019 4:02 pm

I've not got a log but the context is fun enough.

Way back when, Daunyelle and Jaenoic had a HUGE battle with yells and tons of emotes and rp through the streets of Waterdeep. Daunyelle won and dropped Jaenoic's body to the market telling the gathered how inevitable pain was and how easing it was a joke, etc. Hands down my greatest RP battle.

Another with Daunyelle v. Miriel. Miriel kept constant tabs on Daunyelle via magic mirror, and at one point an unnamed but goodie bard who didn't "belong" there was in ZK of her own will. Daun had passed by as Miriel mirrored and Miriel demanded Daun to leave said bard alone. Daun was furious, as she had nothing to do with the bard existing there. She threw her own mirror out and went to Ardeep where Miriel was. There were a handful of rangers there who were pretty much like "Nope, no thanks" since Daun was known to be strong. Daun took Miriel out and took her body. Elwin contacted her demanding it back Daun said for 1k plat. The rangers gathered 1k (It was hard then!) and Daun brought back the body ... with no stuff. "Where's the stuff?" "1k more."
Beshaba potatoes.
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Sword Journeyman
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Re: Epic Battles

Post by Kinal » Sat Jul 20, 2019 6:16 am

My character was present for that in Ardeep, Mele. Me and my IRL FK friends still talk about that to this day. Epic Battle for sure.
Technically, we're all half centaur.
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