Dwarven Armor Attunement and Sing-along

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Dwarven Armor Attunement and Sing-along

Post by Dalgrim » Fri Feb 07, 2020 1:32 am

{Slightly edited for typos and readability}

--[Somewhere in Mithril Hall]--

Brammor pats his mail and straightens his beard, 'Aye, jus fine. Thought ah'd stretch me legs a bit. What're ye up tae?'.
Dalgrim's eyes go wide with remembrance, 'OoOoo dat remoind me o sumthin! Ah finished ye suit! Coom now, lets attune it tae ye.'.

You get a key printed with a large rune from a money pouch.
You hold a key printed with a large rune in your left hand.
You unlock a large wooden merchant's cart with shuttered sides with a key printed with a large rune.
You open a large wooden merchant's cart with shuttered sides.
You get a large wooden crate labelled: Finished crafts from a large wooden merchant's cart with shuttered sides.
Brammor now follows you.
You get light mail mufflers from a large wooden crate labelled: Finished crafts.
You get light mail ankle boots from a large wooden crate labelled: Finished crafts.
You get a light mail girtle from a large wooden crate labelled: Finished crafts.
Dalgrim pulls mail out of the crate and drapes the armor over his shoulder.

You put a large wooden crate labelled: Finished crafts in a large wooden merchant's cart with shuttered sides.
You close a large wooden merchant's cart with shuttered sides.
You lock a large wooden merchant's cart with shuttered sides with a key printed with a large rune.
You stop using a key printed with a large rune.
You put a key printed with a large rune in a money pouch.

Bolo Trollsmelter - Weaponsmith
E-The Undercity
A large keg of cold water stands near a smoldering pit of
coals. Lengths of metal glow red in the heart of a kindled
flame, while completed works rest in racks along the walls.
A smooth cloth used for polishing the weapons rests in the
center of a large wooden counter at the back of the shop.
A red hot forge has been set up here. (perfect)
A smithy's barrel is filled with dirty water here. (perfect)
An anvil is here. (perfect)
A woollen bedroll has been laid out here. (perfect)
Bolo Trollsmelter the weaponsmith works at his forge here.

Brammor walks in from the east.
Bolo Trollsmelter asks you 'Wit can I be doing fer ye lad?'
Brammor looks on intently, 'Ooo, fine work, dat be. How'd ye go aboot attunen it?'.
Dalgrim grins, 'Ye shall see. Hand over de pieces ah alreadeh gave ye, except dat girtle. Ah goat a bettah wan fer de suit.'.
You are carrying:
a leather pack (perfect)
a large ore bag (perfect)
light mail mufflers (perfect)
light mail ankle boots (perfect)
a light mail girtle (perfect)
Dalgrim walks over to the forge and pumps the bellows a few times making it glow brightly.
Brammor nods and starts removing his mail.
Brammor stops using a cloth pack.
Brammor puts a slender shortsword in a cloth pack.
Brammor puts 102 copper coins in a cloth pack.
Brammor stops using a light mail jaseran.
Brammor stops using light mail sleeves.
Brammor stops using a light mail coif.
Brammor stops using light mail chausses.
Brammor gives you a light mail coif.
Brammor gives you light mail sleeves.
Brammor gives you light mail chausses.
Brammor gives you a light mail jaseran.

Dalgrim continues to pump the bellows gently and chants, 'All-fatha forge muh tae ye will, shape muh as ye bae wishin.'.
Dalgrim plucks a burning ember from the forge quickly and tosses it to Brammor 'Catch and keep it moving in ye hands lad.'.
You say 'Focus oon et.'
Dalgrim reverently pulls out his soulhammer and moves to strike the anvil hard but stops just before connecting with the anvil.
You get a soulhammer from a gold-stitched weapons loop.
You wield a soulhammer in your left hand.
At least you can hold a soulhammer correctly.
A soulhammer feels nice and light to you.
Brammor fumbles the ember but catches it. He regains composure and moves it from hand to hand. After a few moments he closes his eyes, begins to hum a soft, low, and steady tone.
Dalgrim taps the anvil with his soulhammer making a clear ringing tone as pure and smooth as a silver bell.
Brammor continues to hum, harmonizing with the tone of the bell.

Dalgrim holds up the jaseran and moves it close to the anvil. The ringing makes the mail begin to rattle. He chants, 'All-fatha bless dis mail fur it bae tae protect muh kin.'.
Dalgrim drapes the mail over Brammor's shoulder.
You give a light mail jaseran to Brammor.
Dalgrim holds the chausses to the anvil 'Protect muh kin so ee may proclaim de glories o de All-fatha.'.
Brammor's hum changes to a low, 'Ooooooo' . He ceremoniously wears the jaseran.
Brammor fits a light mail jaseran on his body.
You give light mail chausses to Brammor.
Dalgrim holds the girtle over the anvil and chants as it begins to rattle, 'Guide him in de dark tae ye forge's glow.'.
You give a light mail girtle to Brammor.
Dalgrim holds the sleeves similarly, 'Life o a dorf nay bae easy, give em strength All-fatha.'.
You give light mail sleeves to Brammor.
Brammor accepts the chausses and girtle, and interjects two rhythmic chants of 'Lo! Lo!' between the low tones as he continues to don the mail.
Brammor stops using a light mail girtle.
Brammor wears a light mail girtle about his waist.
Brammor wears light mail sleeves on his arms.
Brammor slips into light mail chausses.
Dalgrim holds the gloves, 'Pass ye skill tae him, allow fur his hands tae moike foine works.'.
You do not have that item.
You give light mail mufflers to Brammor.
Brammor stops using polished scarlet mufflers set with citrines.
Brammor wears light mail mufflers on his hands.

Dalgrim holds the mail boots until they vibrate to the anvil's tone, 'Give em sure feet and ye steadiness, fur de road be long and treacherous.'.
You give light mail ankle boots to Brammor.
Brammor slips the mail over his hands then strikes them together, making clanging sound like cymbals that echoes through the halls, all the while continuing to hold the low chant.
Brammor stops using stitched ankle boots studded with platinum.
Brammor wears light mail ankle boots on his feet.
Brammor steps into the boots and stomps twice, making a loud thrum, brum.
Dalgrim finally holds up the coif, 'Guard his moind, and seal his memory o de Halls as he travels de lands.' He walks over to Brammor and nods to the ember holding out his hand while offering the coif.
Brammor passes the ember to you while accepting the coif.
You give a light mail coif to Brammor.
Brammor dons a light mail coif upon his head.

Dalgrim rolls the ember in his hand and then rolls it on to the ringing anvil. The anvil's vibrations make the ember dance about on the flat surface.
Dalgrim watches the glow of the ember fade while its dance slows and the ringing fades.
Brammor watches the ember intently, letting the low tone fade into silence.
Dalgrim grins, 'Dat suit bae yers noo, nevah let de pieces separate. Ye nay have tae wear it all at once. But if ye gift dat suit tae another, gift every piece.'.
Dalgrim takes the cool ember and tosses it back into the forge fire.

Chestnut brown hair, long and finely braided, crown this portly dwarf.
Similarly, his beard, a mixture of dark brown and deep red, has been
carefully braided and well-oiled, giving off the faintest sheen when it
catches the light. The impressively long mustache beneath his wide, button
nose has been waxed so that the slightly upturned ends hold their shape and
only quiver when he speaks. Bright green eyes, narrow and deep-set, flash
with mischief and amusement. Though large for a dwarf, he is clearly muscled
and the calluses on his thick hands, particularly his finger tips, indicate
he's not unaccustomed to work.

A well-groomed, portly male shield dwarf is in perfect health.
Brammor is using:
<worn around face> bright beard ribbons (perfect)
<worn around neck> an amulet of communication (perfect)
<worn on body> a light mail jaseran (perfect)
<worn on head> a light mail coif (perfect)
<worn on legs> light mail chausses (perfect)
<worn on feet> light mail ankle boots (perfect)
<worn on hands> light mail mufflers (perfect)
<worn on arms> light mail sleeves (perfect)
<worn about waist> a light mail girtle (perfect)
<worn around wrist> a Mithril Hall bracelet (perfect)

Brammor turns to you and smiles, a glistening in his eyes, 'Aye, dat ah'll do. Ye honor me wit a gift ah cannae put to words, boot one day, ah'll sing ye a song aboot it'.
Dalgrim claps Brammor's shoulder, 'Ye honor muh by wearin dat armor and daein great works.' He grins, 'Noo lets go foind some holy water tae drink!!'.
Brammor laughs boisterously, 'Ah thought ye never say so!'.
You snicker.

--[Somewhere else in Mithril Hall]--

The Foaming Mug Tavern
W-The Undercity U-Above the Foami
A long bar of scarred stone, inlaid with marble and precious gems,
fills the eastern wall of this establishment. Battered tables and
benches are scattered throughout the room, providing a place to
rest and partake of hearty food and ale. A chunk of beef roasts
on the coals of the fire in the stone fireplace. A staircase leads
to the private rooms of the inn.
Belim Tunnelbeater the barkeep is here.
Brammor walks in from the west.
Belim Tunnelbeater says to Brammor 'Fer 2 silver ye can be bedding down upstairs.'
Belim Tunnelbeater says to Brammor 'Rooms clean and warm.'
Belim Tunnelbeater says to you 'Fer 2 silver ye can be bedding down upstairs.'
Belim Tunnelbeater says to you 'Rooms clean and warm.'

Belim Tunnelbeater says to you 'You can't afford to buy a mug of dwarven honey mead'
You grumble.
You get 62 electrum coins from a money pouch.
You get 78 silver coins from a money pouch.
You get 56 platinum coins from a money pouch.
You get 289 gold coins from a money pouch.
You get 104 copper coins from a money pouch.
You buy a mug of dwarven ale.
You buy a mug of dwarven ale.
You give a mug of dwarven ale to Brammor.
You stop using a soulhammer.
You sheath a soulhammer in a gold-stitched weapons loop.
You hold a mug of dwarven ale in your left hand.
You put 52 copper coins in a money pouch.
You put 78 silver coins in a money pouch.
You put 62 electrum coins in a money pouch.
You put 289 gold coins in a money pouch.
You put 56 platinum coins in a money pouch.
Dalgrim clanks Brammor's mug with his and takes a pull from his mug 'Noo watchee goat in ye moind lad?'.

You drink ale from a mug of dwarven ale.
You are really hungry.
You feel bloated.
You get 52 copper coins from a money pouch.
You buy a hearty stew.
You buy a hearty stew.
You buy a hearty stew.
You eat a hearty stew.
You are no longer hungry.
You eat a hearty stew.
You eat a hearty stew.
You are full.

Brammor slams a fist on the bar, eyeing Belim Tunnelbeater angerly, 'Donnae ye know who dat is?! Dis be Dalgrim! DA DALGRIM? And ah drink to his health!' He clanks the mug with a laugh and drinks.
Dalgrim eats ravenously his stew.
Brammor holds a mug of dwarven ale in his right hand.
Dalgrim chuckles, 'YOSH!' and pulls from his mug again.
You drink ale from a mug of dwarven ale.
You feel bloated.
Brammor drinks ale from a mug of dwarven ale.
Brammor wipes his mouth and narrows his eyes at Belim Tunnelbeater, 'Ye should know who yer talkin tae.' He points at you, 'Ah'm a going tae write a song aboot dis dorf such dat ye never forget his name!' He clanks his mug on yours.
Brammor drinks ale from a mug of dwarven ale.
Dalgrim nods, 'Belim keeps me full o holy water, donnae bae tae gruff wit em.' He points at Belim Tunnelbeater and says, 'Keep de water o comin lad.'.
You drink ale from a mug of dwarven ale.
You feel bloated.
You finish a mug of dwarven ale.
Belim Tunnelbeater says to you 'You can't afford to buy a mug of dwarven ale'
You grumble.

You get 78 silver coins from a money pouch.
Belim Tunnelbeater says to you 'Here is your change, 1 silver'
You buy a mug of dwarven ale.
You hold a mug of dwarven ale in your left hand.
Brammor begins to settle into a stool then nearly leaps at Belim Tunnelbeater as he speaks, stool raised high.
Dalgrim blinks and places a hand on the stool, 'Whoa dar lad, ye goat de forge fire in ye. Ahll give ye dat. He jist bae foolin with us.'.
Dalgrim chuckles, 'Ee only dain dat tae ruffle ye beard.'.
Brammor looks at you then back at Belim Tunnelbeater, then suddenly laughs and picks up Belim Tunnelbeater in a bear hug and spins him around, 'Ye be righ! No need tae figh!'.
Brammor continues, 'Not when da company's right!'.
Brammor exclaims 'Da kind dat give drow a frigh!'

Dalgrim pulls from his mug, 'Nice crisp vintage dis water bae. Relax and enjoy et.' He relaxes as the tension in the bar settles. He smiles as he listens to Brammor.
You drink ale from a mug of dwarven ale.
You feel bloated.
Brammor chuckles as he sits back down, 'Dat rhyme reminds me o somthin, a chant ah been workin on. Wanna hear it?'.
Dalgrim nods eagerly, 'OooOo aye!'.

Brammor takes another sip and eagerly stands on the bar, clears his throat and begins to stomp a steady rhythm. He beckons you to join.
Dalgrim cackles and pounds the bar with his fist joining the rhythm.
Brammor begins to sing, 'O'er hill n mount we roamed,'.
Brammor sings, 'Thru valley n stream dat foamed,'.
Brammor sings, 'Tae find our ancient home,'.
Brammor motions to you to echo him.
Dalgrim pounds the bar to the rhythm and sings, 'O'er hill n mount we roamed,'.
Brammor grins and nods as he continues, 'Tae find da halls o stone!'.
Brammor points to you.
Dalgrim sings gruffly in a chant-like tone, 'Thru valley n stream dat foamed!'.
Brammor laughs and claps as he does a little spin in time with the pounding, 'Thru hill n mount we hewed,'.
Brammor sings, 'Neath valley n stream dat flowed,'.
Brammor sings, 'Tae claim our ancient home!'.
Brammor points to you.
Dalgrim sways back and forth experimenting with sounds he can get out of the bar, 'Search we did until mithril shown!'.
Brammor grins and continues, 'Fight we did til orcs had flown! Till all da orcs were prone!'.
Dalgrim pounds the bar and chants, 'Ahhh yooosh Ahhh yooosh!'.
Brammor raises his mug and sings to a crescendo, 'We won our ancient home!'.
Brammor sings 'We won da...' He starts pounding the bar ever faster.
Dalgrim holds up his mug and just roars loudly pounding the bar with his other fist.
Brammor finishes, '...HALLS O STONE!' holding the last note for a long while.
Dalgrim cheers wildly and downs his drink to free up another hand to drum on the bar.

You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
You drink ale from a mug of dwarven ale.
You feel bloated.
You drink ale from a mug of dwarven ale.
You feel bloated.
You finish a mug of dwarven ale.
You can't find it.
Brammor bows and takes another drink.
Brammor drinks ale from a mug of dwarven ale.
Brammor braces on you as he climbs off of the bar.
Dalgrim cheers and laughs, 'Dat almost as fun as killin orc! Well done!' He digs into his pouch and pulls up a hand full of coin, 'Ah nay feel dis alive often, here.'
Dalgrim leans in close, 'Ah know dey pay ye in shite doon in the pits. Ye earned dis well'.
You get 30 platinum coins from a money pouch.
You give Brammor some money.

Brammor tries to refuse, 'Nay, ye be too kind!'.
Dalgrim balls up a fist stares at Brammor threateningly, '... Take et or ahll flaten yur face...'.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
Brammor stares at you for a moment with a blank face, then grins, 'Iffen ye say so! Ah appreciate yer patronage.'
Brammor glances over at Belim Tunnelbeater and mumbles, 'Good tae know some o me kin appreciate da arts'.
Dalgrim chuckles and looks at the bar, 'Ahll make ye a new bar Belim. Dis bae a bit banged oop noo.'.

You are sober.
Belim Tunnelbeater says to you 'Here is your change, 4 copper'
You buy a mug of dwarven ale.
You hold a mug of dwarven ale in your left hand.
You drink ale from a mug of dwarven ale.
You feel bloated.
You drink ale from a mug of dwarven ale.
You feel bloated.
You drink ale from a mug of dwarven ale.
You are full.
You feel bloated.
You finish a mug of dwarven ale.
You feel vibrations caused by something tunneling nearby.
Dalgrim downs his drink, wipes his lips, and then belches loud and long.
Brammor chuckles, 'Dat be mah fault, Belim. Des new boots be foine work, no match fer an old bar.'.
You chuckle.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
Brammor says to you 'Me thanks, agin, fer honoring me wit dis foine suit. Ah'll wear it wit pride'
You say to Brammor 'De honor bae moine fer kin tae wear me crafted wares.'
Brammor says 'Iffen folk outside da halls hear me voice n see me mail, ah be sure ta tell em whose hands made it'
Brammor says 'And iffen dey donnae know yer name, ah be sure dey won't ferget it'
Dalgrim grins, 'YOSH!' He strokes his beard in thought, 'Ah loike de soond o dat!'.

You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
Dalgrim glances at Brammor 'Ah bae needin tae make ah trip tae Waterdeep soon, ye bae interested in goin with?'.
Brammor says 'Ah been thinkin...'
Brammor he grins and nods eagerly, 'Aye, ah aboot to ask jus dat.'.
Dalgrim chuckles, 'OoOoo? Gittin de beard itch tae wander aboot eh?'.
Dalgrim tilts his head, 'How's ye common? Nay many ah know dat speak Dwarven well dar. Most will try tae drown ye in magic tae talk tae ye. Bae warned.''.
Brammor says 'Aye, ah never been outside da halls. Ah'd loike ta see what's out dar and ter find a proper school ta improve me singin'
Brammor shakes his head, 'Ah donnae know dat tongue, boot ah can learn'.
Dalgrim nods, 'Donnae know aboot nay school o singin. But ah can show ye aboot o few places.' He slams his empty mug on the bar, 'Gather ye things, we can leave soon as ye loike.'.

Belim Tunnelbeater says to you 'Sorry, come back tomorrow after 5 o' the clock'
Brammor Hmmmms...
You blink at him in disbelief.
You ask 'Ye cutting meh off de holy water!?'
You spit.
Brammor begins to huff at Belim Tunnelbeater.
Brammor asks Belim Tunnelbeater 'After all dat!?'

You get a decanter of amberfire wine from a leather pack.
You hold a decanter of amberfire wine in your left hand.
Dalgrim nudges Brammor 'Et nay bother.'.
You drink wine from a decanter of amberfire wine.
You are full.
You feel bloated.
You drink wine from a decanter of amberfire wine.
You are full.
You feel bloated.
You drink wine from a decanter of amberfire wine.
You are full.
You feel bloated.
You drink wine from a decanter of amberfire wine.
You are full.
You feel bloated.
You drink wine from a decanter of amberfire wine.
You are full.
You feel bloated.
You finish a decanter of amberfire wine.
Brammor nods at you.
You burp loudly.
Brammor grins at you.
You are already standing.
Brammor says to you 'Let's goo'
You say 'Ah goat tae git sumthing froom me cart, ofor we go.'
Between the ringing of hammers in the hallowed halls a chant rises:
"Come brother ye sing with me. Ancient enemies, go cower, hide 'n flee! For dwarves be comin' fer ye!"
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