I'm back, but still struggling

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I'm back, but still struggling

Post by Caylin » Fri Mar 06, 2020 10:39 pm

I hadn't played in a long while, since I had reason to believe the game was dead (couldn't access the game and the website was coincidentally having minor issues at the time). I checked the website once in a while and though it seemed like it was doing okay, I still couldn't connect via browser or through ports 23 and 80 (perhaps 443 as well). The html-client still doesn't work(for me at least), but I've at least been able to login through port 4000 on telnet. That said, I've still been struggling in-game, as I had before I stopped playing. If I partner up with someone maybe I'll do just fine but on my own I find myself either just doing nothing or dying in combat. Before level 10 I could just keep persevering but without the aid of an imm or a player to raise me all the time, I don't know how I can continue...And this just saddens me. I want nothing more than to slowly but surely become a master at this game, to know the world like the back of my hand. And I'm sure if I grinded enough I could do it on my own but that's not me. I can grind a little, but I don't have the time to wade around in the kiddie pool this long. I know to stay away from enemies that are too much for me, but just now I died in an area that I cleared before I 'quit', even solo. What gives?

TLDR: what did you do when dealing with difficulty in early(but over level 10) exploration & dungeoneering, but most importantly -- death?
I have heard some people claim to just switch to another character but that doesn't work...idling doesn't either...I would suggest a feature that allows dead characters' spirits to do something, like some DMs do in D&D, but I doubt it'd be approved.
Suldak Moresh, Cleric of Corellon
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Re: I'm back, but still struggling

Post by Grenwyn » Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:00 pm

If you're using telnet, I'm going to guess you probably aren't using the tactical display. This can make it difficult to see your injury status.

FK tracks injury separately from hitpoints. You might be at 100% HP but still have limbs or head mangled. When you are seriously injured like this, you take a LOT more damage on those limbs - the other day I dropped from 57% HP to dead.

In the tactical display, this shows up by marking the injured body part as purple. Without it, you need to "glance" at yourself regularly to see if you're injured. Resting or sleeping (or magic) will heal injuries, but HP regen while standing won't.

Aside from that, it's just the basics: find "safe spaces" where you can rest away from the mobs, and retreat there when you're at 50% or less. Group up when you can, play conservatively when you can't. If push comes to shove, there are dummies that will get you past 10 in relative safety, but they won't help you with the tactical awareness you'll need for solo leveling at higher levels.
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Re: I'm back, but still struggling

Post by Caylin » Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:10 pm

I am using Mushclient, and the tactical display doesn't seem to work for me on it so I have it turned off. And though it may be an issue, I knew that my limbs were taking a beating regardless. That isn't my issue, though. I was trying to play conservatively, but the mobs respawned blocking my exit and then there were some in my current location as well so I couldn't get out. There was no 'safe' spot as far as I could tell; they just followed me and when my HP was below the wimpy setting, I was no longer in control basically. The game had me run back and forth to enemies that already initiated combat with me. I know of the 'pray gods' command but I don't wish to use it so much...yet the alternative seems worse. Also if I didn't make it clear enough, I've been level 10 for a while.
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Re: I'm back, but still struggling

Post by Grenwyn » Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:34 pm

I didn't catch that you had quit out within the area. It's generally best to retreat out of an area with aggressive mobs before quitting; for some areas you might find safe places where the mobs don't go, but for others that might be leaving the area entirely.

Pay attention to the mobs between you and the entrance. Make sure that when they respawn you can fight your way to safety. They generally spawn predictably, so once you get used to the patterns you'll have a better idea how close you can get to your limits.

It's okay to die a lot in the early game. My first few characters died over and over to stupid things - losing both arms and bleeding, walking into griffons, sneaking into areas that were too high level. I still occasionally die when I'm not paying attention, but it's much more survivable now that I have a good idea how to play it safe.

Make friends; adventurers love nothing more than showing off by rescuing people who died.
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Re: I'm back, but still struggling

Post by Lirith » Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:44 pm

Grenwyn wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:34 pmMake friends
This is what it's about. They can help you not die in the first place, but when you do, you have a way to fix your situation quickly without having to sit around dead. If you're desperate, just send a tell to someone on the who list. It's something of a last resort but can lead to RP and also meeting people who might be able to help you later.

I strongly recommend asking people that you meet where appropriate areas to train or quest are. Ending up in areas that are beyond your capabilities is all about learning the game, but you can minimise dying from that if you ask before wandering into them. To be able to get stronger to go to more dangerous places, you will have to spend some time training, if it's not your thing then do it with friends to make it more fun. If you are travelling between towns, stick to the roads until you are a high enough level to kill anything that might want to eat you when you stray. Hills and mountains in particular take more stamina for movement and you have a much higher chance of dying.

If you can make it to any of the events that get scheduled, that can be a great way to meet larger groups of people for RP, or schedule one of your own to go on an adventure with likeminded people.

It can be tough at first as a new player when you feel like you keep making mistakes, but we've all been in this situation and it does get better. Players will always help someone new because of this so please don't be shy about asking for help or information.
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Re: I'm back, but still struggling

Post by Caylin » Sat Mar 07, 2020 12:02 am

Grenwyn wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:34 pm I didn't catch that you had quit
Sorry I didn't mean to convey that message; when I was saying the word 'quit' I meant before my hiatus from the game due to the html-client/port issue I mentioned. I would have never stopped playing but oh well, no big deal.
Grenwyn wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:34 pm walking into griffons
Funny that you mentioned griffons, yesterday I accidentally went into the hills northwest of Waterdeep due to 'mistyping' and a bit of lag; before I could escape, two griffons ganged on me and I was a gonner :lol:
Grenwyn wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:34 pm Make friends
As for making friends, I rarely see players in-game since I came back, I know they're online but even when I randomly see one passing by, I don't know where they are running to and I haven't met them ICly so I can't communicate to them. I used to just sit in the market in waterdeep all the time, but I've not seen anyone there at all since my return. I know there are popular taverns as well but those change from time to time...I don't know what to do, the world is a big place. And even if I was told in the forums, my characters wouldn't know about it...I've not seen any of the older characters from my past so that's not really an option...
Lirith wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:44 pm It can be tough at first...and it does get better. Players will always help someone new because of this so please don't be shy about asking for help or information.
Yeah, that is the consensus I've been getting and every time I get help I am grateful but I don't know how to roleplay newbie :lol: like every time I know I'm about to die because of a small mistake I made and there's little I can do to stop it because I'm soloing and in my prayers I go something along the lines of "O what a fool I have been! Forgive me and allow me to prove my worth!" and I can't help but laugh at the little guy. It's not his fault, it was mine. I've seen people blame Mario for not jumping when they hit the button :lol: and I've done that too but...this is different.
Suldak Moresh, Cleric of Corellon
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Re: I'm back, but still struggling

Post by Lirith » Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:05 am

Grenwyn meant, don’t log out of the game in an aggro area. Leave and find a safe place before you quit so that when you log back in you aren’t mobbed by them.
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Re: I'm back, but still struggling

Post by Caylin » Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:28 am

Lirith wrote: Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:05 am Grenwyn meant, don’t log out of the game in an aggro area. Leave and find a safe place before you quit so that when you log back in you aren’t mobbed by them.
I know what he meant, but I was always aware of this...I may be a newbie in this game, but not to online games in general. I played Runescape a lot in my teenage years, so I know about safezones and logging out in dangerous areas. It seemed like he was replying to my usage of the word 'quit', when I was not referring to logging out...My bad, I guess. I'm sure I have been mobbed by enemies when logging into a game before, but not for many years. I always logout in the safety of a city or similar such area.
Suldak Moresh, Cleric of Corellon
Caylin Dahvik, Fighter of Golden Oaks
Tahlrem Oakenstone, Hopeful of Mielikki
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