Scroll Management

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Sword Grand Master
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Scroll Management

Post by Glim » Mon Jul 08, 2024 2:12 am

Managing multiple scrolls is a bit of a mess and painful. I think its further complicated by needing to be able to manage them inside a case during combat.

I have the following 5 blank scrolls inside a case:
( 5) a blank scroll (perfect)

What spells do they contain? No idea inside the case, but if I take them out of the case I can see:
( 2) a blank scroll of conjure greater elemental (perfect)
( 2) a blank scroll of aura of vitality (perfect)
a blank scroll of heal, heal (perfect)

If I put them back in the case, they return as before.

But even in the inventory with the spells visible I cannot move them with the spell keyword i.e. wield 'heal'... so its REALLY difficult to actually select the one I want. Let alone try to draw it from its case.


1. It would be really nice if once a scroll is identified, it always shows the spell (for your character) after that point even if it is in a container. Additionall, it should then be able to be moved with spell keywords i.e. draw 'heal' case, or draw 'heal, heal' case.


2. It would be nice to be able to rename the blank portion to some other keyword that can be used. Maybe something similar to the title command. If I can rename all my "heal, heal" to a yellow scroll, or some such that would help.
Glim asks Gwain 'Can I be on the watch?!?'
Gwain raises an eyebrow.
Gwain seems to display a look of complete horror for a second...
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