Disarming spell

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Disarming spell

Post by Telk » Sat Nov 06, 2004 4:12 am

I do not know if this has been proposed before (if so just ignore my feeble mind :P ) But what about a spell for wizards that disarms an opponent? I could see this as being a spell that stuns the opponents hands making them drop their weapon/s. Making them open their hands, or the weapon flying into the air then dropping to the ground. tell me what you think :)
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Post by Talamar » Sat Nov 06, 2004 4:41 am

I like Fireball for that personally.

Or Lightning bolt, Large bolts of electricity work well.

All teasing aside, that's a pretty cool idea. I know there was a spell like that in D&D that stunned an oponent, so Disarm might be really a fun addition for those pesky warriors with their weapons.

I'll look it up when I get back from eating.
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Post by Telk » Sat Nov 06, 2004 4:55 am

*grin* Just burn their hands off that'll work just as well ;) Maybe also have this spell only disarm one weapon at a time so a dual wielding warrior would have to have the spell cast on him twice in order to have both weapons disarmed, just liked the disarm skill just in spell form :)
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Post by Stayne » Sat Nov 06, 2004 5:15 am

I remember a spell once that you could cast at a persons weapon. It would make the weapon glow red hurt causing the person to drop it or take damage (usually the first as its a natural reaction).

It was a low level spell and had to get past the weapons resistances. I found that as a mage I tended to go for enlarge, and reverse it on a persons weapon or armour (nothing more hilarous then suddenly making a warriors platemail 3-4 sizes to small for them :twisted: ) but anyways, a sound idea and one that might be worth RP'ing towards if you have a mage and want to put in an application to that affect.

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Post by Tandria » Sat Nov 06, 2004 5:47 am

Was going to suggest something similar to this myself, actually, but never got around to it.

I think this is a GREAT idea, and it's the perfect way to add to a wizard's rp. I mean, wizards have nothing but their spells to keep them safe . . . why not send their weapon flinging away from them?

It would be especially fun for this spell to animate the weapon and turn it on the victim . . . though that would be altogether too powerful, I think, and would be difficult to code from the sounds of it. Hehe, I can just picture it, though. . . .
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Post by Telk » Sat Nov 06, 2004 9:51 pm

Nice idea Tandria ;) I wonder if it would be possible codewise, maybe have it something like 'animate weapon' and have it for high level wizards. That would be fun... :D
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Post by Aegin » Sat Nov 06, 2004 10:58 pm

PnP has a spell called Heat Metal that works simmilar to that.

I may be mistaken, but I think it is a Druid spell, though. Not sure if any other classes get it.
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Post by Tandria » Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:18 pm

Hmm, maybe a "possess weapon" which can make the weapon magically bean the opponent over the head with his own weapon. *chuckle* Though it sounds kinda silly, I could picture it, and think it would be a fun spell.

Telk, the spell "animate object" is already in the game, and you can animate basically any object (not a corpse) with it. :)
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Post by Aegin » Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:06 am

Tandria wrote:Telk, the spell "animate object" is already in the game, and you can animate basically any object (not a corpse) with it. :)

Including Cheese.

I think that has been, by far, the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. A wedge of cheese looking at me.

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Post by Cyric » Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:08 am

Syntax: c fumble <victim>

Fumble reduces the victim's dexterity by a random amount. The higher
skilled the caster is with the spell the greater the reduction to the
victim's dexterity.

And then the weapon falls on the ground.

Only reason I don't like this is because it takes away from the fighter and rogue classes. Instead of having a wizard (or any class for that matter) doing everything, why not bring along your friendly neighborhood thief ;)
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Post by Mele » Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:42 pm

I agree with Cyric hugely here. :) Let the fighters be fighters and weezards be weezards. :)

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Post by Dalvyn » Sun Nov 07, 2004 1:15 pm

This is called "Telekinesis".

Check http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/telekinesis.htm
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Post by Algon » Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:43 pm

A sustained force moves an object weighing no more than 25 pounds per caster level (maximum 375 pounds at 15th level) up to 20 feet per round.

With this the Wiz could throw the weapons into the next room. I like the idea, Particularly the amout of cool RP it could add to a friendly spar between a wiz and a class that is better suited with weapons.
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