Who List

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Who List

Post by Natasha » Sun May 29, 2005 6:44 am

Syntax: who
who [character]

WHO shows the characters currently in the game. The command shows all who
are in the game, including dead players, those invisable by magic. You will
still see the who list while blinded. Immortals who are wizinvis will not appear.

Please note the information in your title is considered IC information through
heresay. It does not mean the very first time your character meets someone and
are not greeted by them that your character will know all the rumors about an
unknown character by the who list information. It is expected that the who list
information be considered a rumour after a few roleplayed encounters with a
particular character whether greeted or not.
I was wondering why stuff can be considered IC as heresay in cases such as being a Hopeful of a faith, if that character has only professed an interest through prayer?

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Post by Natasha » Sun May 29, 2005 7:12 pm

I know the admins use it, the question that I am bringing forth, for an example, is let's say we have a Hopeful of Shar, and someone talking to them in the Square mentions that they know the person is a Hopeful because they have heard it as a rumor.

I was just wondering what IC justification there is for this, if the person is trying to be very secretive with some sort of faith process, or hasn't even done anything seeking the faith outside of praying to the deity -- Just, how could other people look at the who list and know what this person is doing?

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Post by Talamar » Mon May 30, 2005 1:40 am

My take.

You should view the Who List with a grain of salt.

If it's an evil, looking to follow an evil deity, you should probably not IC'ly Rp that out.

If it's a good, looking to follow a Good deity, then you can probably ic'ly rp that out.

It's a great tool for the Admins, and HP's of faiths to see who is interested in their faiths, and to help them start or continue that Roleplaying process.

Look at it logically and you can probably determine which things you should and should not use IC'ly.

Edit: A quick note though, if you have been IC'ly roleplaying out your faith hope, be it blatant or subtle, then you don't really have cause for complaint if people begin to ask about it.
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Post by Shabanna » Mon May 30, 2005 7:42 pm

Just my 2 copper... but, IF a person is following a faith I would think they would do more than simply pray about it silently. Would a person not try to live the faith they were seeking to prove devotion?

I am thinking you may not have a nametag that says "Hello my name is... So and so evil person seeking blah blah evil Deity"... HOWEVER... I would also think that your actions and RP would surely show you as one seeking a faith enough so that there could easily be a rumor.

Just a thought though...

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Post by Kregor » Mon May 30, 2005 7:53 pm

This could be quite true, especially depending on the evil diety you wish to follow.

With Shar, and Mask, in particular, dealing with things hidden in darkness and stealth, respectively, I could see an air of secrecy around their hopefuls.

But, Cyric, for another example, would take pride even in the very strife that would be caused by the public knowledge that a hopeful is a hopeful. Cyric is not bashful or secretive about his madness, OR his portfolio, he is, after all, the one REAL god. To be devoted to his faith, you would be expected to be as proud of your evilness as he is. Same with many of the other, more proud and boastful evil dieties. It would seem thay would wish as much pride and boastfulness of their Lords' power coming from their hopefuls as their ultimate chosen. Could you imaging Talos or Umberlee wanting a hopeful to keep their faith concealed and hidden? I think not.
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Post by Micheal » Tue May 31, 2005 4:49 pm

I think that the openness of following is really up to the person following and the guidance of their high priest-type. Cyric also holds the portfolio of intrigue. What really on the who list is even that useful of knowledge? Famous people are only famous to people that know them. If you don't know Micheal Urdo or haven't heard of him, he is nothing to you. No amount of who listing is going to generate that knowledge like word of mouth from PCs or direction intervention by the Dread Wavelord himself.

(post edited for obvious flame)

and that about sums it up!
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