Favor for Lovites

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Favor for Lovites

Post by Shabanna » Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:39 pm

I have a question regarding favor for Lovites.

It seems odd to me that a follower of Loviatar would get favor for killing since... that would presumably end someone's suffering. (Something Loviatar would most assuredly look down upon.)

That said, I realize that we have to have some way to award favor to Lovites. Perhaps it would be possible to reward favor for stunning? and lose for killing? It is Just a thought :P not even sure if any of that is possible

heh.... I am sure this one is going to make a lot of pople hate me >.< I actually thought long and hard before posting this...because of that :roll: lol
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Post by Oghma » Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:46 am

First off, do not worry about posting questions or suggestions in the forums as long as they are constructive. Any idea suggested here is better than no idea. Everyone is welcome to add something when they feel the need and should not feel pressure or worry about adding it.

On that notion of lovite killing though, I think it still makes sense in the fact that they may make the death really painful and prolonged and then get rewarded for that. In my opinion this is what might grant favour in the ic sense, but it may not be possible to see oocly or codewise.
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Post by Xryon » Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:03 am

I was thinking about this too, actually.. Seems like a good idea but with one major problem that I see. Most mobs (at least the ones i've seen) will chase after and re-attack you if you stun them. While this would make it very easy to gain favor, it also makes it really easy to have an army of near-dead minions chasing you across the realms
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Post by Mele » Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:37 am

One persons death is the suffering and pain of several others. Loviatar does indeed, not preach to not kill. Death of someone utterly innocent in a situation can be quite rewarding in the end of suffering to someone who has wronged a Lovite. It's perfectly logical for Loviatar to favour a death in FK terms.

If I'm correct, they did a big look over of the favour system to try to help make it more even for all classes to gain favour of their gods and goddess'. Removing favour for killing for Lovites would make it pretty much -impossible- for non casting classes to get favour.
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Post by Mariela » Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:15 am

Not to put a damper on things, but it's easy for those tfaiths that get favor from burial to go up in ranks. So the stun thing wouldn't bother me so much personally. I mean, really, how many bandits are out there just waiting to be buried! :)
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Post by Shabanna » Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:16 am

well.. my suggestion was not to remove killing and put nothing in :P it was really wondering if we could somehow make it a stun situation. though I concur in hindsight... that the pain it causes as an aftermath to those who are loved ones etc...makes IC sense.

I did not intend for my post to seem like I was trying to take things away from those who are faithful. I just thought about switching things up a bit with the stun. To be honest...I was working on a quest a few days back and it occured to me that what I was doing might not be THAT IC... for my character. (I normally keep my Char on stun but had no choice for the task.) Anyway... sorry for flustering anyone... :P

thanks for the responses... :)
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Post by Japcil » Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:43 am

How about a config option... like config torture. When enabled you stun your victim and torture them until death. A simple additional echo would be added before the victims death cry. A lovite would gain favour by having the config on when killing.

Only downside it automates roleplay that otherwise could be done using emotes and smotes.
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