Well, after about an hour of poking and prodding, I must admit defeat. My area compiles except for my trap resets, and I just can't seem to make heads or tails of what that tutorial really wants me to do. Right now my traps are supposed to be on exits (nonexistent doors) and the following is the reset that's not compiling:
Code: Select all
D 0 QQ66 0 3 ; No door to the north
The issue appears to occur on the line with the trap reset itself; the door reset without the trap reset compiles. The trap tutorials in general might be a bit buggy, as in making the trap objects (which I wasn't sure whether I needed to make the reset work) I found that TTYPE_(whatever) isn't actually the right syntax and ended up using trap numbers there instead.
If anyone has a push in the right directions to get this reset to work, I'd be most appreciative-- then I could probably manage to submit my area before I run off to be a canoe-pirate :->
Dear Enemy: May the Lord hate you and all your kind, may you be turned orange in hue, and may your head fall off at an awkward moment.