High Levels in...

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High Levels in...

Post by Tobias » Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:25 pm

I noticed this a bit more frequently now and then, but high level characters going into low level places and such. While they stay there for quite a long while just to as most call it 'favor whoring' or money farming within. I have seen some lower levels go there and they see a high level person so they just turn around and leave because lets put it one way a low level anything cant compete with a high level anything.


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Post by Selveem » Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:33 pm

Said low level character should respond IC. Explain that they would like to help. They don't have to group, because the high level would take all the exp. That should be the chance for the high level to leave.

High levels who act in this manner are removed by Admins.

People with complaints such as these should at least address them with the player. If they don't get it IC, ask politely OOC. There's plenty of other places for a high level to go.
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Post by Nedylene » Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:06 pm

Often I will enter some low level newbie areas with my high level characters. I often just go in and out to see if anyone is in it who may need help, to complete some quests that I haven't done (Can't collect goblin heads without killing the goblins, etc). But.. all in all I don't enter then to stay and favour whore or money whore etc. It's usually an in, peek around see if anything is going on and then leave. Lets face it.. all lowbies could use a few high leveled friends to get them out of trouble once in awhile.
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Post by Mele » Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:48 pm

I agree someone razing through an area is absolutely wrong.

But I do want to say, some high level characters cannot survive on their own in areas "their level". The difference between those characters and razing characters is they not only cannot take the hits, but cannot deal the damage TO raze. I don't find it inappropriate for those characters to at the least, earn coin in lower areas. (Note, lower, not lowbie).

Only my opinion. :)

Let me repeat : I totally agree with the original post 100%.
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Post by Kelemvor » Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:47 am

Tobias raised this concern with me via PM and I suggested that a discussion was the best way to address it - so thank you to him for taking the lead.

The way I generally view this situation is that...

if you can kill nearly all of the hostile mobs in an area before it repops
if you can fight mob after mob after mob without any harm to yourself

...you are probably in the wrong place.

I tend to pay less attention to the Area's expected level as this can vary considerably for some classes or be dependent upon the type of hostile mobs present - whether there are casters, whether the mobs are armed, whether they assist each other etc.

Visiting to quest, walking around to look for RP, a quick assault to splat mobs and pick up a little coin and favor are all fine with me. It's the camping, idling or farming that I find irritating.
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Post by Lea » Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:24 pm

I recently came across an area that was probably way to low for my character but I had never been there before so I did a quick look around and found it wasn't at easy as it looked at first. But I did have someone show up that was a bit lower level so when it repoped as I was meditating I let them go through and kill the stuff and I followed behind and left.

But then I am one who is really bad about not wanting to go out by myself to find stuff to fight.

Anyway have fun and play fair.
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Post by Caelyvar » Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:26 pm

I suppose this does beg the question, if you have never been in there, can you still go even if you are uber level?

I have lots of places left to explore that I want to, but . . .sometimes its just a bit too easy.

example, those lairs of thugs that cropped up, I had no idea there were so many, can I still go through them? It would seem pretty silly to not be able to do so?

I would say good etiquette though, would be if a new character shows up to offer to help and make sure they dont get into any real trouble (ie stay in the background and help if something goes wrong)
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Post by Lathander » Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:14 am

If you are high level and have never been there, I think it would be unfair to ask that anyone not ever go. Someone built the area, everyone should get to experience it. If you go to help someone, let them do the work, all of it. By going along, even if you don't fight, you take damage away and eliminate some of the risk (and therefore fun). Especially don't give away quest info of any nature.

But don't camp there. Don't go clear areas you know are too easy, that you've been to before, just because you want favor or something else. By doing so you take away the opportunity for other, lower level PCs to enjoy the game.
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Post by Gwain » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:28 am

I'm in complete agreement, The only time I usually go to a low level area is to complete the quest I have been given, then I will rarely return unless accompanying others attempting their own quest there. Otherwise I find I have no real ic purpose to be there for my role play.
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Post by Isaldur » Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:39 pm

What if you're like me and barely have anything trained much less at a high enough level to clear any spot other than howling peaks without crying like a little girl EVEN though you're level 50?
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Post by Selveem » Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:48 pm

I think even a level 50 shouldn't be constantly razing a lowbie area regardless of skills or lack thereof. If they don't have the skills, I'm not certain how they got to 50 anyhow, but surely killing things in a low level area isn't going to give them exp TO get skills.

I'm not saying a high level shouldn't go in a low level area. I'm not saying it's not alright, in my opinion, to occasionally go bash some heads in for coin, favor, or the occasional OOC frustration outlet. Especially if there is next to no one else on and it is very, very unlikely that anyone will be going in said area.

All I'm suggesting is that said players be considerate. In the past, when a high level was in an area the Administration felt they shouldn't be in for as long as they have, they were asked to leave (or sometimes forcibly removed one way or another) said area.

Personally, I don't like that. Imms shouldn't need to intervene. Players shouldn't need to intervene, either. The only exception is that if said low level comes into an area and sees it all razed, they contact the person ICly first (walk up to them, start a conversation) and explain they intend to go through the local area. If the player doesn't seem to get the IC hint, send an OOC request to them (politely!) and ask if you could try your hand at the area.

People who ignore both requests should be reported, IMO.

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Post by Nedylene » Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:36 pm

There are ways to get to level 50 without having skills. Performing, writing works, being a bard, certain trades and skills etc.
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