Shadow Weave Metamagic Feats

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Sword Journeyman
Sword Journeyman
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Shadow Weave Metamagic Feats

Post by Travis » Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:13 am

These are all 3.0-3.5 Edition, as far as I know.


Pernicious Magic
Prerequisites: Shadow Weave Magic
Description: You can use the Shadow Weave to make your spells harder for Weave users to counter. Any creature using a spell, spell-like ability, or magic item without the Shadow Weave Magic feat is considered to be a Weave user.
Found In: Forgotten Realms Campaign

Insidious Magic
Prerequisites: Shadow Weave Magic
Description: You can use the Shadow Weave to make your spells harder for Weave users to detect. All creatures employing spells or spell-like abilities are considered to be Weave users unless they possess the Shadow Weave Magic feat.
Found In: Forgotten Realms Campaign

Tenacious Magic
Prerequisites: Shadow Weave Magic
Description: You can use the Shadow Weave to make your spells harder for Weave users to dispel. Any magic-wielding creature without the Shadow Weave Magic feat is considered a Weave user.
Found In: Forgotten Realms Campaign

There are also -anti- Shadow Weave feats.
"We could kill /everyone/."
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