New to FK and finding starting to be very unforgiving

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Sword Bumbler
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New to FK and finding starting to be very unforgiving

Post by Ansaril » Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:43 pm

Hello! :) I just recently started playing FK only a couple days ago. A friend of mine brought me here. So far I've been killing alot of dummies which I've already died about 3 times from dummines once from a snake then again by a priets when someone else was taking me out into the wild. I'm level 6 now but just recently the dummies seem to be getting hard or something I've died once just because I got too low and died, then the other two have been instant deaths like 70% hp to dead :/ is there any reason why they are getting harder? And any suggestions on better ways to train?
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Re: New to FK and finding starting to be very unforgiving

Post by Nedylene » Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:58 pm

Welcome to FK! This topic itself is one that is in discussion to try to find ways to make the experience better. If you have the time and desire to read four pages a lot of it is spoken about on this thread:


What the general opinion seems to be so far is those first 10 levels are tough. Thankfully the powers that be are looking into it and looking for suggestions, especially from newer players. I think everyone would greatly appreciate it if you have any suggestions on how to make it easier/better
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Re: New to FK and finding starting to be very unforgiving

Post by Erwyth » Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:37 pm

I PROMISE that if you stick with it and reach lvl 10 this is SUPER fun! I've been playing for like 3 months now and have 700 hours logged, true I'm in Iraq and have no life... But man this thing really keeps me going! LoL
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Re: New to FK and finding starting to be very unforgiving

Post by Raona » Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:56 pm

My counsel would be to start roleplaying and adventuring NOW, don't wait until you are "high enough level!" If you just pound on dummies, it gets hard, it gets boring, and you miss out on some of the best years of your PCs life. Get to know people, dare to travel! The consequences of dying are not as dire, and almost everyone will help a young PC in need. Ask questions and learn about everything you can - not just how to swing a blade or cast magic missile.

[Travel by day, on the roads, and shunt off onto the plains if you see any trouble up ahead...but I should be telling you that, and you should be asking about it, ICly!]
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