Empower spell and healing

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Empower spell and healing

Post by Sandric » Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:35 pm

'Empower spell' doesn't seem to have any effect when applied to healing spells.
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Empower Spell Feat

Post by Zorinar » Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:59 pm

I have noticed with two spells, Snowball Swarm and Lightning bolt, that the Empower Spell feat seems to have no effect on increasing the damage done.

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Re: Empower spell and healing

Post by Caelnai » Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:56 am

This one is under testing, Bugzilla pending...

If anyone has a spell they think this feat is working on, please post the spell, spellcaster's stats (level, guild, etc) and the target (PC, mob, etc.) Thanks everyone! :lol:

Update - entered into Bugzilla (893).
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Re: Empower spell and healing

Post by Yemin » Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:09 pm

Now that the empower spell feet has been fixed since the good ol' days.

Does it work on heal spells and harm spells when they are doing damage?

I don't expect it nor should it work when they are healing
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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