Couple Flag/Symbol Questions

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Couple Flag/Symbol Questions

Post by Estrild » Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:07 am

I somehow can't seem to find the answers to this.

in the #ECONOMY flag, what is the difference between the first and second numbers you provide for it?

what does $ mean, exactly? It seems mostly used to call for things, like the name/room/mob/etc, so why is it sitting by itself as in this example:

Code: Select all

CourtRoom 4081
Dungeon 4085
Judge 4070
0 65 0 65
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Re: Couple Flag/Symbol Questions

Post by Kelemvor » Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:09 pm

'S' '$' and '#$' symbols are used at various points in the area file to denote the end of a particular section - in the same way that 'S' and '|' denote the end of a mob or objects code or '~' denotes the end of a line.

I'm sure there's a deeper reason behind those particular symbols being in those places, but I just worry about making sure that they're in the right place rather than what they do :)
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Re: Couple Flag/Symbol Questions

Post by Dalvyn » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:19 am

Re: Economy.

They are the "starting value" (or high value) and "low value". (Not sure which one is which though, but the starting value is the highest).

When the game is started (or after a copyover), the starting value is the amount of money that the mobs in the area collectively possess. They use this pool to pay PCs who sell objects to mechants for example. And when PCs buy things, the money they pay is added to this pool.

When the pool value goes under the "low value", it starts regenerating automatically, till it reaches the "low value".
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