Pets and or mounts

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Pets and or mounts

Post by Lea » Thu Oct 16, 2003 5:08 pm

I know that Waterdeep has the nice roleplay policy but some people are abusing this by just leaving their horses in the stables and not paying the fees to stable them. I feel they do this because they know that the animal will be safe and no one can kill it because of this rule. It is not that expensive to stable horses and if the one you are at is out of our price range then take it to another they all vary in the prices. Also look at it this way if you stable your horse you are helping the economy of the city so that you call sell more stuff to earn the coins that you need. If the stable is full find another stable. I can understand if you are leaving the horse to run to the bank but if you know you are going out to explore or are going to be roleplaying in the city for some time then the animal should be in a stable.

I guess the biggest reason I am complaining about this is because for those that actually stable their pets/mounts and go into a stable to get the animal out and you try and hand something to your horse sometimes it gets handed to the wrong animal by mistake. I have seen this happen on numerous occasions and has happened to myself as well.

Just something for you to think about

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Post by Isaldur » Thu Oct 16, 2003 8:26 pm

There's also all those mounts left hanging around the various areas in the market that would make any theif salivate at the owner's laziness. Of course said mounts cannot be touched because of the nice RP rule though, which is a shame really considering that there's so many cheap stables in Waterdeep that are missing out on just as much money as the poor neglected horse thieves.
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Post by Rhelian » Thu Oct 16, 2003 10:11 pm

Make a petition to the druid grove in Waterdeep (ie: email someone) about the blatant neglect happening to mounts in Waterdeep. I'm sure some sympathetic druid (imm) might lead the horse away and then have a long discussion with the owner about their responsibilities before giving it back.
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RE: Abandoned Mounts/Pets

Post by Andreas » Fri Oct 17, 2003 1:41 am

Have to play devil's advocate here for just a moment: How can you tell if it's abandoned?

Quite some time back (when ye olde dink was still a squire and Bastion was his faithful steed) I'd "tethered" my horse outside a store so I could just run in, get something (rations I think??) and run right back out again. Hadn't been in there more than a minute and I come back out and there was someone there complaining about the abandoned horse.

Now, if I'd left the horse there and then gone to the market to "fountain sit" I could see it as a problem. And there are quite a number of people who do just drop their animals off here and there because they don't want to pay or can't be bothered with stabling the mob. But for those of us who DO regularly stable our pets/mounts, will there be some leeway for the rare times that we don't just to go grab something and scoot right on down the road again? I.e. will the Watch Member stick around for a moment or stat the mob to see who is set as its master and make sure that said PC is just running a quick errand and not doing the backstroke in the fountain?
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Post by Rhelian » Fri Oct 17, 2003 2:00 am

Anyone who's sensible about things like this will stop, and wait. If the horse is abandoned for five or ten minutes, then they'll take note - rather than walking down a main road and playing "Spot the neglected animal".
It is understandable IC and OOC that mounts will be left outside shops - one of my pet hates is people walking their horses into an inn or riding them into the general store. But I am sure that an imm, after receiving a report, will take a few minutes to watch the reported animal before spiriting it away.

Pets and or mounts

Post by Granel » Fri Oct 17, 2003 2:09 am

Andreas said: I'd "tethered" my horse outside a store so I could just run in, get something (rations I think??) and run right back out again.
What about adding a pose command for mounts or pets? Andreas said he "tethered his pet to a post, so what if you can make it so that it appears this way so that other pcs are aware for that moment in time that said pet is just there as long as the owner is busy.

And I'm not sure if this is possible but what about constraining it within a time limit? sort of like a spell of sorts eventually the pose will revert to the original after a certain period of time and the pet can be removed if it is there to long. I'm no programmer so I don't know if it is possible mind you, but it still is just an idea.

Other than that I'd stable my horse, because it is the civil thing to do in any city if I am staying longer than a few minutes to an hour. Horses are fickle creatures, often or not they poop and make sounds that annoy the stuffing out of common folkif left in the streets. any horse left outside should bear a mark for being even when being tied to a post like in olden times when guilds would grant special symbols to certain individuals (nobles of priveledge, guards, knights, or guildsmen and guardsmen) giving them that right after they paid for the renting of said symbol or just have their pets given over to the stables till time sees fit to remove their beasts. No one in the old days would ride a horse not properly stabled at least one night or a few hours unless he or she was a wanted man. A horse needs to be cared for, fed, rested and watered or he or she will move like a wounded wilderbeast or throw you like a sack of potatoes.

Treat your horse like a horse, put it to bed and it will be as a rock, strong and hardy. Treat him to a cold night on the cobbles and he shall be as ungainly as clay between the potter's fingers, rough, soft and unshaped
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Post by Nysan » Fri Oct 17, 2003 5:37 am

Common sense and judgement would be the words of the day about reporting abandoned mounts/pets. Just wandering in and seeing a horse for the first time and straight to question....not good. See same horse, same room repeated visits to that room over a few minutes or longer then to question, yes. Use your own judgement if you think its just sitting there or is there a moment waiting for the master in the store. If that fails, imms are always good at finding out the truth of such things....

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Post by Lea » Fri Oct 17, 2003 1:59 pm

Let me tell you the first thing that sparked this post. I was in Waterdeep and walked into the stable near the market square there were three horses and a warfox sitting there and just outside of the stable was another horse and a cart. I left and 30 minutes later I came back and all of them were still in the same place. So that was more than a quick jaunt to the bank or shopping. I don't have a problem with the quick stops actually I would expect that its the dumping the horses because you don't want to pay the fee is the point I was trying to get across.


Post by Rhelian » Sat Oct 18, 2003 8:26 am

Ah. I see your problem. I seem to remember in another thread on the same subject (on the old boards) Mystra (I think) saying that if you're goign to leave your horse anywhere, leave it in the stable room, out of the way. That's probably what they were doing. But I agree, people should stable to horses, not just leave them standing around.
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Post by Selune » Sat Oct 18, 2003 2:28 pm

Indeed it was said to leave them in the stable entry - for short errands. Leaving a horse in the stable entry was never meant to substitute for renting a stable (i.e. for extended time off socializing or adventuring).

You never know when those stablemasters might decide they've had enough of free-loaders and start selling abandoned horses.

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Post by Tychina » Sun Nov 16, 2003 5:10 am

humm Allmost every city I have been in has had a stable to use true, but there are a rare few that either do not, or I can not locate them. In these instances, when you find you have traveled to some city, and for whatever reason, cannot merely leave and return to a town with a stable, what should you do with your horse while you are running about town on your errand or what not?

Or, some, have stables, but you cannot stable with them. Again, very few I think that I have seen, but two such comes to mind.

(Removed IC information about various stables in the game)

So, it makes me curious, when traveling and I come upon a situation such as these, what is the proper thing to do with my mount? Sometimes there is a room off of the stable, a paddoc. Would it be allright to "turn the horse loose" into the paddoc to graze for the time you were there?
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RE: Stables Without Stable Programs

Post by Andreas » Sun Nov 16, 2003 10:15 pm

This came up on the old board and I believe the answer was that it is acceptable to leave your mount/pet in the stable and roleplay that the mob has indeed been stabled.

Whether this will keep people from stealing from the mob is another question.
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Post by Kirkus » Mon Nov 17, 2003 12:19 am

I was wondering if anyone else has had any problems with the stables. I have a camel as my mount but the stables won't take it. My guess is that they only accept horses. If that is the case would it be difficult to fix? If not then what am I doing wrong?
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Post by Tychina » Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:44 am

Thanks Andreas, I will remember that the next time I am in that situation. However I think if I plan on being in a place that I allready know to be lacking in equine accomadations for me for any length of time at all (several hrs/days irl time) I think I will opt to leave the horse behind in the nearest town.

Kirkus, I do not know about camels and the such, but I have seen someone stable a falcon.. so I do not think it is just horses. Unless the stabling of the falcon was a fluke itself.
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Post by Kirkus » Mon Nov 17, 2003 2:37 pm

I actually think someone inadvertantly answered my question on a nother post. They said all you have to do is pay the mob and they will thake the animal away. This works for pets, mounts and carts as well. I am going to have to try this!
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Post by Tychina » Wed Nov 19, 2003 11:53 pm

mm I have a question, why are war dogs considered mounts? Is it because they are trained for war? Or is that for the smaller races? Again, just curious, as I tried to buy one and was told it is a mount. Which then gave me a mental image of someone trying to ride a dog.. rather comical, the image in my mind anyway. It isn't something I would have ever thought of or considered before this, but now I am curious.

Post by Tychina » Thu Nov 20, 2003 3:49 am

*nod* thanks, and yeah, I was just curious. Smallest character I have ever played in any game was an elf, and I just couldn't see it riding on a dog. As usual, this place is broadening my (horizons?) perspective more and more :)
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Pets and or mounts

Post by Bugoron » Fri Nov 21, 2003 5:02 pm

This is just a thought, in response to Andreas's post of "tethering" his horse. Would it be possible to order your mount to pose, so that when people looked at it, they would see "A such-and-such horse is here, tethered to a post."?

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Post by Isaldur » Fri Nov 21, 2003 6:04 pm

I know what I would do if pets could pose..
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What do I do with my pet?

Post by Blug » Sat Nov 29, 2003 5:51 pm

As my thief, who shall remain unnamed, I have a pet. Now he's not a mount, he's a small RP pet to play around with, but I was wondering what I would do with him before I go off looting an pillaging. Would it be bad RP to have him stabled, I think it would be a bad idea to have him riding around on my shoulder while looting, pillaging, plundering and the like. Just thought I'd ask before I did something stupid.
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They ran so fast the hounds couldn't catch 'em
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