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Room flags and room sector

The room flags and room sector type are set in the line of six values after the room description, before the exit information. Room Flags describe specific attributes of the room, and your room can have more than one flag. The room can only have one sector type.

In the example below pay particular attention to the line of 6 values after the actual room description and the room description's tilda. Note that our sample room is still a no exit room. Exits will be covered in other room lessons.

A gate to a walled forest~
{70}A stone gateway in the middle of a stone wall is here.  Over the
top of the wall can be seen the green of tall trees.  To the east
is the hustle and bustle of the ever busy streets of Waterdeep,
but from over the wall can be heard the sounds of birds.

Lets look in detail at the line of six values after the room description:

  • Value0 - The first value of 0 refers to a now defunct field no longer used by the game so just put a 0 in. You cant ommit it altogther as the game will crash. You need to have a 0 in there as a place marker. The coders may in time decide to use that field again for something new that they might code.
  • Value1 -The next value refers to the actual room flags. A room can have more than one room flag and it can even have none. If it has none just put in a 0. This particular room is dark so for those races without infrared vision, will need to have a light to see what is in the room. It is also flagged no mob. This will prevent mobiles from wandering in and out of the room. See the below table for the possible room flags for your room. A room can have more than one room flag.M/li>
  • Value2 - The next value refers to the rooms sector type. This refers to the type of terrain the room is and affects how a character moves through that room. Some sectors require special capabilities for a character to move through it (ie to swim or fly). See the Sectors table below for a list of the allowable sectors. A room can have only one sector type.
  • Value3 - When a PC enters this room, after the delay time set with this value the PC is teleported out of the room to the vnum set in Value4. The room must have the ROOM_TELEPORT flag set on it for this aspect of the room code to work.
  • Value4 - This is the vnum that the PC is teleported to after the delay set with Value3.
  • Value5 - This is known as the tunnel value. This can determine how many characters can fit into the room. The solitary and private flags will set the numbers to 1 and 2 respectively, but if you want a different amount of PC's allowed in a room, then you may set this value.


ROOM_DARK light is needed in room
ROOM_DEATH Do not use
ROOM_NO_MOB mobs cannot enter room
ROOM_INDOORS not affected by weather
ROOM_LAWFUL good aligned chars only
ROOM_NEUTRAL neutral aligned characters only
ROOM_CHAOTIC evil aligned chars only
ROOM_NO_MAGIC players cannot cast spells
ROOM_PRIVATE only 2 players may enter room
ROOM_SAFE no fighting in this room
ROOM_SOLITARY only 1 player may enter room
ROOM_PET_SHOP room is a petshop
ROOM_NO_RECALL players cannot recall
ROOM_DONATION Prevents players from using 'get all'
ROOM_NODROPALL stops players doing "drop all", ideal for public squares etc
ROOM_SILENCE players may not speak or emote
ROOM_LOGSPEECH Do not use without builder admin consultation
ROOM_NODROP players may not drop stuff
ROOM_CLANSTOREROOM Used for guild storerooms. Ask a builders admin first.
ROOM_NO_SUMMON player cannot be summoned from room
ROOM_NO_ASTRAL cannot gate or magically transport to or from this room
ROOM_TELEPORT will teleport the PC after the delay set in value3 to the vnum set in value4
ROOM_TELESHOWDESC when teleported it shows the PC's the description of the new room
ROOM_NOFLOOR players and objects fall to (down) room
ROOM_PROTOTYPE used by OLC. Do not use.
ROOM_INN allows PC's to heal at a faster rate


Shown as: value character if seen on world map (numeric value) description

SECT_INSIDE (0) inside a building or structure etc. It is always lit
SECT_CITY (1) typical city street, it is always lit
SECT_FIELD p (2) a grassy field
SECT_FOREST F (3) heavily wooded forest
SECT_HILLS h (4) rolling hills
SECT_MOUNTAIN ^ (5) mountainous terrain
SECT_WATER_SWIM (6) calm water
SECT_WATER_NOSWIM w (7) swimming skill required
SECT_UNDERWATER (8) Water-breathing required. Character swims.
SECT_AIR (9) flying required
SECT_DESERT d (10) dry sandy terrain
SECT_DUNNO Do not use. Reserved for future use.
SECT_OCEANFLOOR (12) Underwater. Breathwater is required. Character can WALK.
SECT_UNDERGROUND (13) underground structure
SECT_WOODS f (14) lightly wooded terrain
SECT_ROAD \ (15) roads outside of cites
SECT_TUNDRA t (16) cold scrub land/frozen wastes
SECT_BARREN b (17) barren lands/moors/rocky, treeless plains
SECT_ABYSS V (19) an abyss which requires flight to cross (UNDERDARK)
SECT_FUNGUSFOREST F (20) a forest which blocks exits randomly (UNDERDARK)
SECT_CHASM x (21) must pass climb check or be injured (UNDERDARK)
SECT_CAVE C (22) speaks for itself (UNDERDARK)
SECT_GUARDEDTUNNEL # (23) Used to confine wandering patrols (UNDERDARK)
SECT_UNDERGROUND_RIVER r (26) must swim, may get caught in current (UNDERDARK)
SECT_SIDE_TUNNEL o (27) regular terrain (UNDERDARK)