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Syntax: automatic 

If initiating an attack from the shadows (hidden), a thief will automatically
target their attack at a vital spot, so as to maximize the damage they can
inflict. A backstab attempt is only made if the thief initiates combat, and
it can only occur if the thief is hidden. Once engaged in combat, a thief
trained in the skill will instead attempt to
circle stab, unless their
opponent is in a situation that denies them their dexterity bonus to AC (if
they are blinded, stunned, etc.), in which case the thief will automatically
attempt another backstab.

* Backstab is a form of sneak attack, and is subject to the caveats listed
under that heading.

* If you have backstab listed as an affect, you have been subject to a
crippling strike, and your strength has been lowered. Like most other
affects, this will go away with the passage of time. This being a non-magical
affect, magic can not remedy it.

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Circle Stab Crippling Strike Feat Improved Uncanny Dodge
Initiating Combat Sneak Attacks Thieves Skills
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