Online Help

Betandor's guide to descriptions

Many players seem to be confused about what makes a good description for 
Forgotten Kingdoms. The following general guidelines should assist in
writing acceptable descriptions, and still allow the flexibility to give
players the ability to make unique characters.

* Write descriptions as though your character is sleeping. In other words,
no actions, or telling others what to think or feel when they look at your

* Write descriptions WITHOUT armor, weapons, clothes, etc., and keep them
clean. We do not need a description that would be rated X or cause parents
and those of legal authority to question the integrity of our home.

* All descriptions for player characters should be at least 4 lines in
length, and preferably between 4 and 8 lines, so that some who have telnet
clients can read descriptions without them scrolling off their screen.

* Some common features to use in descriptions include hair color, hair
length, eye color, skin color, weight and height adjectives, scars,
birthmarks, tattoos, etc.

* Do not make descriptions with glowing runes, auras, or other things
magical for your characters. These are not natural, and will cause a
description to be rewritten.

* Be creative with your descriptions, but make them believable. Not everyone
is beautiful. Use some creativity in picking your attributes and physical
looks. Some possible suggestions are moles, buckteeth, a crooked nose,
crooked smile, ect. More suggestions can be found within the following link,
though do not use those which break the rules above. You can always RP
having these other quirks:
Go to
and click on "NPC Quirks."

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