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Syntax: description

The DESCRIPTION command puts you into an editor to edit your long character
description (what people see when they look at you).

Your description SHOULD:

* Describe what your character looks like (e.g., facial features, hair and eye
colour, build and dimensions, identifying marks or scars, etc.)
* Be between four and 15 lines in length, after justification
* Be complete and in place by level five, and BEFORE leaving the training hall
* Be carefully written, using correct English spelling and grammar
* Be justified to the correct width by using the /j command in the note editor

It SHOULD NOT CONTAIN the following:

* Your name (we use a GREET system on Forgotten Kingdoms)
* Any action (e.g., "As they turn to you and smile")
* Profanity, racial slurs, sexual comments, or off-color remarks
* Any details of your character's life history which could not be readily seen
* Use background altering colour codes.

Further, please ensure that your description DOES NOT:

* Tell others what they think (e.g., you "look sinister" or "appear kindly")
* Detail any clothing that your character is wearing
* Refer to any special powers or auras - these MUST be applied for
* Describe your character in terms that conflict with what is shown on your
SCORE sheet (e.g. "stunningly beautiful" if your charisma is 10!)

An Immortal can request you change your description if it contains
inappropriate material. Failure to comply will mean you will not be allowed
to play on Forgotten Kingdoms. As Forgotten Kingdoms is a roleplay-focused
MUD, we place great importance on your description. You should craft it
carefully, spending time and thought on it. Once set, your description
should not be appreciably or suddenly changed unless an extreme roleplay
situation warrants it. Gradual adjustments of your description (changes with
age, to reflect things your player has experienced that would be outwardly
visible, or a gradual shift in outlook or demeanor) are encouraged, however.

If you are having difficulty working out what to put into your description
then ask on question and a member of the immortal staff will be happy to
help you.

Related topics...

Adjective Applications Betandor's guide to descriptions
Character Biography Colour Codes Colour in Descriptions
Greet Rules of Forgotten Kingdoms The editor
The Score Sheet Title Visual Communication
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