Online Help

Rules of Forgotten Kingdoms

1. The rules of Forgotten Kingdoms exist to ensure that this
game is fun and enjoyable for all players. They are not the
same as in-character laws that may vary between cities. The
rules here are enforced by the game staff and apply to every
one. This help file is your starting place for the rules of
the game, it lists general rules and the resources that have
more detail.

* Playing this game is a privilege, not a right. The staff
reserves the right to delete characters, ban addresses, or
impose any punishment believed appropriate.
a. Rules.
1.Players are allowed to have more than one character, but
only one of them is to be played at a time.
'help multiplay rules' or 'help multiplay'
2.Only the real person that created a character should play
that character.
3.Characters may only be played by real people. You may never
use a computer program to decide what your character will do.
'help bots' or 'help scripts' or 'help triggers'
4.If you discover a bug, do not take advantage of it. Report
it using the "Bug Reporting" forum.
'help bugs'
5.Killing other characters is only allowed as described in
'help player killing' or 'help pk'
6.You must roleplay any stealing from other player characters
and there are rules about what you may take from character's
'help opp' or 'help steal'
7.Your character's name should comply with the guidelines
under 'help names'. So too for your description and title.
'help name' or 'help title' or 'help description'
8.Overt sexual role-play is forbidden in public and private
areas of the game.
'help sexual behavior'
9.All in game communication should be IC and use of out-of-
character (OOC) channels should be limited. Spam, abuse,
and harassment are forbidden.
'help spam' or 'help harassment'
10.Special role-play is allowed and encouraged, but there are
some guidelines and some require an application.
'help special characters and special roleplay'

b. The Forums. Help files describe the standing game policy
for all issues, but sometimes a new change is made and is
on the forums awaiting an updated help file.

c. The Ask Channel. Use the ASK command after you have been
unable to find an answer on the on-line help files or the
forums. A staff member will field your question and give
you an answer or at least show you the right direction to
get one.

Related topics...

Applications Ask Bots, scripts and triggers
Bugs Complaints Description
Harassment Multiplay Rules Name
Other People's Property (OPP) Player Killing Sexual Behaviour
Spam Special Characters and Special Roleplay Steal
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