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Player Killing

1. Player versus Player (PvP) and Player Killing (PK) are defined as
any combat between two or more player characters (PC). PvP and PK are
allowed in Forgotten Kingdoms, but players must adhere to some rules
and guidlines. The rules are in three categories: engagement, conduct,
and resolution. Follow these rules and report perceived violations to
"Complaints". Requests for clarification should be made via the ASK

a. General Guidelines. Always remember what would be in-character for
your PC to do (e.g. an elf encountering a drow in the wilderness should
immediately realize that combat is a possible outcome) and, at the same
time, always remember that there is a another player behind the other
PC and that we are all here to have fun. Be especially patient with
newer players. Good role-play does not have to be gentle, but it
should be fair and any animosity should stay in-character (IC)
without bleeding over into out-of-character (OOC) interactions.

b. Engagement. Engagement is when PCs meet and how combat begins.
PvP may occur anywhere, but players should apply good judgment with
respect to where it would be in IC to begin a fight and be ready for
IC consequences. If you believe a PvP situation is likely then you
must notify the other player as soon as possible via OSAY and the
other player(s) must acknowledge that. (e.g. If your lawful-evil
fighter of Cyric meets a paladin in the Sunset Mountains then you
must say or tell, OOC, "I believe that PvP is likely" and the paladin's
player must say, OOC, "Yes, I think so, too" or something like that.)
You must then role-play for what you believe to be a sufficient
amount of time in order to allow all parties involved to decide upon
their course of action before combat begins. This statement is also
a good time for both (or all) parties to begin a log of the
1. Pets and Minions. Combat with a player's pet or minion is governed by the
same rules. You shall not walk up to a player's pet or minion and kill it
without role-play or notice, unless it is an "animated corpse of" something.

c. Conduct. Combat begins when any of the involved PCs cast any spell
(on themself or another involved PC) or one PC attacks any of the others.
(PCs initiate melee combat using the MURDER command instead of KILL.)
Combat involves only PCs already present or those nearby (3 room radius wilderness,
10 room radious in an area, any distance via instant-travel spells such as "Teleport"),
but you may not use OOC means (e.g. AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messenger) to
contact additional help. There is no limit on PCs involved in a PvP situation
provided that they abide these rules. All combat maneuvers (skills such as disarm,
bash, stun, etc.) and all spells are allowed, however, you may only use the time-stop
spell to prepare yourself, not to attack.
1. Killmodes.Killmodes stun, spar, or nofight are the preferred killmodes
for all PvP. Killmode kill is allowed. Remember that PCs revert to the lowest
killmode of any PC involved and do not abuse this fact (e.g. a wizard setting
his killmode to spar while fighting a ranger in order to slow the ranger's
melee is not acceptable). Any proven instances of this tactic will be punished.
2. Pets and Minions. May fight beside your PC, but may not be the only ones
fighting. You shall not use your minions to fight in your stead.

d. Resolution. Combat is resolved when one PC is stunned or killed. The
victor(s) may take only one item (total, not one per victor) from the vanquished
PC (a container of any type does not count as one item unless it is empty
of all contents). You must give the other player an opportunity to retrieve
the item in a timely manner via role-play, but you do not have to return
the item. Be considerate of quest items, renamed items, or any unique items.
1. Corpses. You must inform the player about the location of their PC's
corpse via IC or OOC means if you are asked. You may not burn, sacrifice, or
otherwise make it unavailable (put in a restricted place or bury it in a
random place).
2. Pets and Minions. The same rules apply to a pet or minion's corpse as apply
to a PC(if you kill both, you may still only take one item total, not one item
from the PC corpse and one item from the other corpse).

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