Online Help

Strike system

On Forgotten Kingdoms there is a strike system to handle player infractions.
All player complaints will be reviewed by the deities of Forgotten Kingdoms.
In the event that it is decided that action must be taken the player in
question will be spoken to and given a strike. Three strikes will mean the
deletion of the character in question and can also carry other penalties, up
to and including siteban. After three months of no infractions, a player can
petition to have a strike removed.

Complaints can be submitted to the "Complaints Reporting" section of the FK
Forums. Please be as detailed as you can, and include logs if possible.

It should be noted that there are offenses that carry the penalty of deletion
and siteban without warning.

Harassment, improper conduct, and bug exploitation are examples of these

Applications for special privileges are less likely to be approved for
players who have a strike associated with their account. These priveleges
include, but are not limited to, special roleplay applications, dwellings,
renames and inclusion in imm-run roleplays. Strikes are not automatically
removed after three months. A player wishing to have a strike removed must post
to the "Complaints Reporting" forum for consideration. If a player receives
a strike while there is one still associated with the account, the three
month period is renewed. A successful application for strike removal after
that time results in the removal of only ONE strike. Another three months is
required before an application to remove the second strike can be sent.

Recent strikes have been given out for the following:

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