Online Help

Use of OOC/IC information

     1. Players caught using information gained outside of IC experiences
will be reprimanded. Punishments may include loss of experience,
money, equipment, time in Hell. Repeated offenses will find
stiffer penalties.
2. DO NOT use the question channel to attempt to find out IC
information. Repeat offenders will find the question channel
privilege removed. Do not use the question channel as a chat
channel to the gods. If they want to chat with you, they'll
let you know. They are usually busy RP'ing or coding, or
supervising game play.
3. Do not use outside communication methods such as AIM or ICQ to
share in character information. Telling Bob the priest you
need a raise over AIM and having them log in and raise you
without any roleplay will result in a strike.
4. DO NOT use the tell command as a means of gaining OOC information.
This command can only be used to communicate ICly with players
which you have already met and greeted. Likewise do not use the
otell command to share IC information. Abuse of these channels
will see their removal from the offending player.
5. We do not permit the posting of walk-throughs in any form or on
any media. Anyone found to be doing so, or using information thus
obtained will be banned from the game.
6. The above applies in addition to not posting sensitive IC info
such as quest solutions to other forums, wikis, Q&A/information
crowd sourcing sites, and social/streaming/video networks.

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