Online Help

OOC/IC verbal abuse and harrassment

1. A player may, at any time tell another player he or she 
is uncomfortable with the kind of roleplay which is taking
place. Insults, abuse, and violent language are a part of
roleplay. However, for some people this is difficult to take.
If you are told by a player OOCly that they are uncomfortable.
Please understand this and act accordingly. The fade to black
option is possible here, as well as simply OOCly assuming that
the insults/abuse/language has been said and moving on from
there. Not complying with such a request may result in
punishment which will be determined by the imm on duty. Please
log any infractions of this rule.
2. It is never acceptable to criticize, abuse, swear, or make fun
of another player through OOC channels. If a player is harassed
on or off Forgotten Kingdoms for Forgotten Kingdoms actions and
that information is logged the offending character may be
subject to punishments as deemed fit by the imm on duty. Put
simply. Don't do it. We value all of our players. We want them
to feel comfortable playing here.
We do not tolerate OOC harrassment. Period
3. Discrimination will not be tolerated. OOC Sexual or racial
discrimination will be met with the most severe of consequences.
This is a global community and all are welcome here.

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Forgotten Kingdoms PG13 Policy Guidelines on Roleplaying Sexual Behaviour
Use of OOC/IC information
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