Online Help


Cheating is a very serious offense and subjects your character to a 
strike, or even a site ban.

What is considered cheating?
- exploiting (intentionally using) a bug to gain equipment or gold
- gaining any advantage in any way that makes no sense ICly
- intentionally causing the system to crash
- intentionally duplicating equipment or gold
- knowingly accepting illegal equipment (see above) from others
- attempting to duplicate equipment or gold -- * even if not successful *
- using or making profit from equipment that was accidentally duplicated
- using gold that was accidentally duplicated
- using a script or triggers to enhance your characters performance
- using OOC information in a roleplay to your own end

Cheating hurts the game, and every player in the game. Protect yourself
and report any bugs you find, and inform the Immortals if you have strong
cause to believe someone is engaged in any of the above.

If you find you have accidentally duplicated an item, turn the item over
_immediately_ to an Immortal or drop and sacrifice the item.

The most common forms of cheating we encounter are robot-like actions.
Examples include repeatedly attempting to steal from the same target,
having the same conversation over and over with a mobile in order to learn
a language, or otherwise engaging in actions that would make no sense in
character. Please refrain from doing such things: they ARE cheating,
even if carried out "by hand."

Related topics...

Bots, scripts and triggers Bugs Strike system
Use of OOC/IC information
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