Online Help

Bots, scripts and triggers

The use of bots or scripts, or any other means by which a character becomes
autonomous and takes any action whatsoever without human input is strictly
forbidden on Forgotten Kingdoms. Any character found to be operating in this
fashion will be punished. There is no place for bots or scripts on a roleplay
MUD like ours. See the rules helpfile for more information.

The use of triggers or any other automated response mechanism that causes
your character to take an action without you (the player) doing something is
also forbidden. Particularly egregious are triggers which give you an unfair
advantage over other players: for example, one that picks up your weapon
automatically after your PC has been disarmed; however, this extends to all
things, including mundane tasks like mining and responding to greetings.

The use of programs that allow you to walk from one destination to another is
not allowed on this MUD.

* Triggers may be used to call your attention to events, and macros and
aliases used to help you more quickly respond to the game, provided they
require you to actually do something and do not cause your PC to take any
action without input from you, the player.

This means a trigger that would capture text to another window, or make a
sound on your computer to altert you of a specific action happening to your
character so you may manually tab to the screen and input a command.

An example of this is a command to capture your tells and copy them to a
second window, so that while in combat your character would not miss
something they would hear clearly.

* Any violation of this rule is a strikeable offense.

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