Online Help

Multiplay Rules

You can own more than one character, but they must lead utterly independent
existences. This includes never logging in more than one at a time, and no
transfers of equipment, monies, or information. Violations will result in
severe punishment, including a strike or deletion of the characters involved.

You are not allowed to assist in multi playing by another player, be it
actively (by holding equipment or money) or passively (by simply looking
the other way). Violations will result in penalties, demotion, or deletion.

The following are regarded as instances of multiplay:

- Operating more than one character at a time.

- Any form of transfer monies or equipment.

- Using information gained on one character when playing another character.

- Having one character on link-dead while playing another character.

- Having more than one player at the same computer.

- Handling the corpses of your own alternate characters.

- Your characters cannot know or help each other. You may hear about them
on other characters but they cannot initiate information.

In addition, giving access to your character to another person is illegal. A
character has specific knowledge, behaviors, personality, and attitude that can
not be faithfully reproduced by anyone save their true player.

Your character can not be given to another person. If you no longer wish to
play a character, you should apply to delete the character. Giving it away is
not an option. The penalty for transferring characters between people is at the
discretion of the immortals and is likely to include deletion.

If you come in from the same web address as someone else, e.g. you are siblings,
partners, or room-mates, then you should let the immortals know. See the
helpfile on Multiple IP for more information.

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