Online Help

Magical Post

The Magical Post is a remarkable information exchange system, founded by a
group of most capable mages. Offices can be found in most major cities of
Faerun, and thus the Magical Post provides a convenient means for sending
letters and small packages to anyone else in the realms, be they friend or
foe. The service is not free, to either the sender or the receiver, but given
the ingeuity and effort that went into the establishment of this system,
never mind the labor costs associated with the employees in each branch, the
fees are quite reasonable for the convenience they provide. Moreover, the
Magical Post provides a means for introducing oneself to an individual whom
you wish to meet, but who has not GREETed you. However, you must have heard
of them in-character, and know their true name (character name) OOC to use
the service to contact them. Their description (adjective) alone will not
suffice. IC, you need only know OF a character in order to address a letter
or package to them; there is no guaranty that they will respond, or open your
letter or package, particularly if they do not know (of) you. You can check
to see if there is anything awaiting
you at the Magical Post by means of the
CHECK command.

* Players are not allowed to use the Magical Post as a (relatively
inexpensive, and unapproved) storehouse! Packages left there too long will be
removed. Further, players are obviously not allowed to send packages to their
alts, as this would be an aggregious breach of the rule against multiplaying.

* The Luggage Service, with branches in several cities, should be used for
storing things

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