Online Help

The editor

The editor is used when you're writing mail, notes, your bio, your
description, or other long bodies of text. The commands in the editor are:

/? Displays editor help.
/l Lists the current contents of the note.
/c Clears the current contents of the note.
/d [line] Delete line. If no line number is given, the most
recent line is deleted.
/g <line> Goto line. This is useful for inserting lines,
deleting and fixing lines, etc.
/i <line> Insert line. Inserts a new blank line where specified.
/r <old> <new> Global replace. '/g' to the line you want to start
replacing at first, or no occurences will be found.
/a Abort editing. No changes you made are kept.
/! <command> Execute mud command. '/! smile' sends the smile
command, without exiting the editor.
/s Save buffer, and exit the editor.
/j Justify the buffer.

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