Online Help


Syntax: note list 
Syntax: note read <number>
Syntax: note write
Syntax: note subject <string>
Syntax: note to <to-list>
Syntax: note take <number>
Syntax: note show
Syntax: note post
Syntax: note remove <number>

NOTE LIST lists notes which you can read.

NOTE READ reads the number of the note you specify.

NOTE SUBJECT sets the subject line of a new note.

NOTE TO sets the list of recipients. The recipient ALL means all players
and the recipient IMMORTAL means all immortals. You can list specific
character(s) as well instead of a broad category.

NOTE WRITE puts you into edit mode, where you can easily enter your note
with use of some simple editor commands:
/? - help /s - save /l - list /c - clear

NOTE SHOW shows a note which you are holding.

NOTE POST posts your note for reading. Posting is not automatic.

NOTE REMOVE has been disabled on the common Realms message boards.

NOTE TAKE takes the note as in note remove, as well as physically taking
it in your inventory.
* You cannot take notes addressed to all.

Notes now require some parchment to be held in your hands, and a quill to
be in your inventory. Notes must also be written in character only. Notes
are written in whatever language the writer is currently speaking. The skill
of the writer in the particular language is used to write the note: unless a
character is completely fluent, the resulting note may have mis-spellings
and errors introduced. Further, the skill of the reader is checked when they
look at the note.

New: To add a title to a note, be holding it in your hand and issue the command
TITLE [title text] This will modify its adjective and keywords to reflect its
new title.

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Magical Post Quills The editor
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