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Roleplay in Waterdeep

Waterdeep is at heart a lawful good city, and it plays host to many adventurers.
As a major center of commerce, the City of Splendours attracts many different
types of visitors, from all over Faerun, and has a more open and accepting
society than many other places do. Still, recial prejudices are common in the
era, and one does not escape them in Waterdeep.

Waterdeep is strongly recommended to new players as their first hometown, as it
is by far the most inviting. We ask that the playerbase do their part to
ensure this, going out of their way to help new players with both IC and OOC
matters, as best they can. This does not mean you have to give them anything,
but if questions are asked they should be answered in as helpful and polite a
manner as possible. Such assistance should be provided to new players at all
times, in any area, but is especially important in Waterdeep due to the greater
number of newbies that will use it as a starting city. We ask that in Waterdeep
you assume a player is new unless you have firm indications (evil alignment,
kismet-requiring race) to the contrary.

* New players should never be taken advantage of - including being made
the target of a veteran player's evil PC unless they are clearly looking for
such trouble.

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