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Syntax: throw [direction] <target>  

Syntax: shoot [direction] <target>

Projectiles are wielded weapons which allow players to hit victims at a
distance. Projectiles have several forms. These include launchers with
ammunition, including bow & arrow; crossbow & bolt; and sling & pebble, as
well as thrown projectiles such as shuriken, darts, boomerangs, and throwing
knives, daggers, and axes. All are used in a similar manner.

To fire a projectile, you must first be wielding an appropriate weapon,
either a throwable weapon or a launcher. To do this, simply

If you are using a launcher, you must have the appropriate ammunition in your
inventory, this being an arrow, bolt, pebble, etc. Alternatively you can
keep your ammunition in a quiver and the ammunition will be drawn from there

* You must have practiced the missile weapon skill that relates to the weapon
you are using in order to use it effectively. Please note that when you hold
a ranged weapon, the echo will reflect your skill with the melee aspect of that
weapon - for example, staves with a bow. Rest assured that your skill with
the ranged weapon (bows in this example) will be used when you
shoot it, as
in melee if you are fighting with
combatmode -ranged set.

* Ranged weapons may be used within the same room if the wielder is not
engaged in melee combat, or if they are in the back row of a group (which
requires the group have at least six members, and is set with the
command), or if they posess the
point blank shot feat. They can also be used
to hit targets in ajoining rooms. How many rooms away depends on the weapon
being used. If shooting/throwing outside the room then a direction is
required, otherwise the only argument is the target. You must be able to see
in the light ambient in the room that contains your target.

* Firing a weapon at another player will result in a pkill attempt, which can
have severe consequences. This must be part of your roleplay. See the helps
on PKILL before attempting this!

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Combat Mode Formation Initiating Combat
Player Killing Point Blank Shot Feat
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