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Combat Mode

Syntax: combatmode Displays current settings, lists combatmode parameters
Syntax: combatmode +/-[specific combatmode parameter to set]

This command allows you to set your combat mode as well as your casting mode
(that is, the casting feats you want to use). Each option is set with
'combatmode +option' and toggled off with 'combatmode -option'. For example,
'combatmode +defensive' and 'combatmode -still spell'.

defensive: You choose to concentrate on defense. Your Armor Class is
improved, but it is harder for you to hit opponents. The penalty (to hit) is
reduced if you have the feat Expertise.

power attack: You choose to concentrate on hitting your opponents hard
(increased damage), but it is harder for you to aim with precision. This
cannot be toggled without the
Power Attack feat.

ranged: You choose to use your missile weapons and thrown weapons as melee
weapons when engaged in melee combat with an opponent. If you have sufficient
ammunition of the correct type, and this combat mode is turned off, you will
use your ranged weapons as ranged weapons even when in melee combat.

cast defensively: When attempting to cast a spell, you will not provoke
attacks of opportunity, but you will make a concentration check even if you
do not take damage while you are casting. If you fail the concentration
check, you will lose the spell.

The other options determine the feats you use to cast spells.

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Combat Fundamentals Empower spell feat Enlarge spell feat
Extend spell feat Heighten spell feat Maximise Spell Feat
Persistent spell feat Preparing for Combat Quicken spell feat
Silent Spell Feat Still Spell Feat Twin spell feat
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