Online Help

Combat Fundamentals

You may choose a fight by finding a mob, and using LOOK and CONSIDER to gauge
the difficulty of the opponent. You can LOOK mob to get a look at its
equipment and description, this will often help indicate how hard a fight
might be. You can CONSIDER <mob> for a one on one comparison of the mobs
hitpoints and level to your own.

You may start a fight by using KILL, MURDER, or many spells and skills
available to players. The easiest way to start a fight is to KILL <mob>.

You may find yourself in trouble during a fight, and wish to leave, this can
be done by using FLEE or RECALL. You can flee a fight by typing FLEE. You
may recall from a fight with the spell 'word of recall' or by reciting a
recall scroll, or quaffing a recall potion. You may also set it up to flee
automatically once you go below a certain number of hitpoints by using WIMPY.
To use your wimpy, type WIMPY or WIMPY (percentage of total hitpoints).
Leaving a fight with wimpy, flee, and recall WILL cost you a loss of
experience, with recall causing the greatest loss.

For more complete information, select one of the topics below.

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Actions that do not initiate combat Advice & Rules Concerning Combat Avoiding Combat
Combat Combat Mode Commands Used During Combat
Ending Combat Initiating Combat Player Killing
Preparing for Combat
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