Online Help


1. The  Applications  System enables players to make special
requests of the staff. These typically fall into two types:
desired things or actions that only the staff can accomplish
or desired behavior that the staff must approve. This is an
extremely open ended definition, but there are some examples
here to help. This list is not definitive.

a. What are some things that you may apply for?
1. To build an area.
2. To submit a publication.
3. To request help in a player-run event
4. An item rename (default cost is 10 glory)
5. Purchase a third pet/minion (default cost is 20 glory)
6. A change of alignment
*Caveat: This is limited by racial restrictions. e.g.
You may not change an aasimar to an evil alignment.
7. To reset your QBITs because there was a coded error
8. A change to your PCs height or weight
9. To follow an uncoded deity
10. Special role-play: female PC pregnancy
11. Special role-play: adoption (including a baby object)
12. To join a guild not accesible by your PC
*Caveat: This only addresses coded shortfalls such as if
there were no invoker's guild for LE orcs. It is not an
option to overcome administrative restrictions. e.g. An
evil character may not apply to become a paladin.
13. To change classes
14. To join a player organization
15. A special title for your PC (such as nobility)
16. For your sun elf to change religions
17. Rare subraces and/or exceptional racial traits.

b. What are some things that you may not apply for?
1. Interracial relationships between races with profoundly
different physiologies (e.g. a centaur marrying a half-elf)
2. To become a werewolf (or any lycanthrope)
3. To become undead (e.g. become a lich or vampire)
4. To attain special powers.
5. To reset QBITs on a quest that you failed
6. To notify the staff of multiple users on the same IP
address - use Complaints for this.
7. To notify the immortals about your PC's interest to join
an inactive faith.
8. To obtain a dwelling for your PC.

c. What are some things you do not need to apply for?
1. For two PCs to be siblings
2. For a sun elf PC to be a member of a noble house - you
still must apply for any other type of PC to be a noble.

d. How to Apply. You can submit your application using the
forums. Post to the Applications forum.

1. Format. Title the post with your account name and briefly
summarize your request. e.g. "BobsFK - Rename Green Jacket"
Include the specific PC's name in the body of the request.
2. Content. Summarize the request simply. Some issues need
more details than others. A rename requires less information
than a change of alignment, for example.
3. This help file supercedes all previous guidance about the
issue. It will be updated as needed.

Related topics...

Additional Minions Age Archmages and Highwizards
Complaints Description Divorce
Drow Alignment Policy Glory Human Noble Names
Kismet costs Obtaining a spell or skill outside of your characters guild Playing Siblings or Twins
Pregnancy, Babies and Children Prestige classes at present Renames
Resetting quest bits Rules of Forgotten Kingdoms Special Characters and Special Roleplay
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