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1. A rename (also called a restring) is to alter something's
appearance in the game. In Forgotten Kingdoms renames can be
executed by some staff members and by Story Council members,
during a role-play, using special commands.

a. What can be renamed?
1. Objects without programs. Magical objects are usually
fine, but not a guarantee. Objects with programs will be
automatically denied. Objects must be changed in kind, a
steel breastplate will not become a cloth shirt.
a. We will also change object sizes.
2. Pets. We will change the description of your pet, but
not the race, size, or anything else. Caveat: if a newly
renamed pet dies then you are neither due a replacement
or a refund.

b. How does this happen?
1. Role-play. Staff members will sometimes spontaneously
rename an object as a role-play reward. This is free of
2. Applications. You may apply for a rename or to change
an object's size. Renames cost 10 glory points each and
include changing all of the objeect's descriptions (both
short and long, extra descriptions, and object name). It
is 20 glory points to change the size of an object once,
so from small to medium would be 20 glory, but to change
the same object from small to large would be 40 glory.
3. Story Council Restrings. See the linked help file for
more information, but in summary: this changes an aspect
of your object's description for the cost of 2 glory.

c. Conditions. The privilege of using these systems is
accorded to those with good conduct.

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