Online Help

Obtaining a spell or skill outside of your characters guild

It is possible to get a spell or skill outside of your characters guild by
spending 50 glory points.

In general we will not be offering high level skills with this system. For
the most part skills and spells higher than level 10 will be rejected.

* It must be in character for your character to have said skill or spell. For
instance we will not approve the hitall skill for a wizard character without
extremely good reason.

If you wish to purchase a skill or spell for your character then post an
application to do so to the Applications forum, detailing your character's
history and why they would get the skill or spell in character. Applications
are placed in a queue and dealt with in order and on a case by case basis.
Some applications that are very out of the ordinary may be put before ALL of
the deities for a vote.

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