Online Help

Drow Alignment Policy

The drow of Menzobarrenzan by their very nature are evil. Over time in the
novels there have been exceptions to the rule, the most famous of whom is
Drizzt Do'urden, about whom many novels have been written by R.A. Salvatore.
When we chose drow as a player option it was to present players with a unique
evil option to roleplay, not to be able to make a bunch of Drizzt wannabe

We have set in place the policy that ALL player drow characters are to be
evil. We do not allow good aligned drow except by special application to
Applications forum. Please note that 99.9% of applications of this type at
this time in the games development will not be granted. It is our aim to
establish the evil drow society before we even consider any good or surface

If you roleplay your drow as anything besides evil you are asked to desist.
If you continue to do so against our policy then your drow character will be
destroyed and a death roleplayed out.

Also note halfdrow while able to be neutral, should not be played as even
remotely goodly. The same standards above apply to halfdrow, though more

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