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Also known as dark elves, drow are a depraved and generally evil 
subterranean offshoot of elves. They were once part of the happy
community of Elves which roam the forests today, but have long
since moved under the ground, building vast subterranean cities and
complex networks of caves. Characterized by jet-black skin and pale
hair, white being the most common, they share similiar physical
appearance to their surface-dwelling cousins, though they tend to be
slightly smaller and thinner than other sorts of elves, with their
eye color appearing red. Living in a rigid matriarchal society, Drow
have little in common with their top-dwelling counterparts past their

Members of this race specialize in spell casting, and have thus developed
a very high intelligence. Being creatures of darkness the Drow tend to
fight more proficiently in the darkness, and have innate darkvision with
which to discern objects and living things in the absence of light.

* Drow have an innate ability to throw Faerie Fire
* Drow on the surface must take the daylight adaptation feat.
* Drow characters are subject to an ECL adjustment

Special thanks to Telaris for writing most of the drow help files.

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Darkvision (ability) Drow - Physical description Drow Alignment Policy
Drow lands Drow male wizard roleplay Drow personality and nature
Effective Character Level (ECL) Elven classes allowed Faerie fire (ability)
Half Drow Lolth
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